A nice day off.My Actifit Report Card: April 10 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Well, my day started off with a gorgeous view of the sun behind the clouds while I was walking the dog.

    Hmm... that's not exactly true. First I woke up, read my bible, did my stretches, did some balance exercises, did some calesthenics and then weighed myself.

    The scale said 211.2 which was very sad. How do I gain a pound in a day? Now I know not to read anything into one number but it still is tough to see how much I've gained in the past year and a half.

    Anyways, after THAT was done then I walked the dog. Nice morning for that.

    The park was pretty as always, especially now that everything is starting to get green and start to bloom.

    Of course there is always some blemish on the park. Today it was some animal ripping garbage from the garbage can. I hope it was a 4 footed animal but who knows maybe it was the two footed kind.

    Of course Nico doesn't care. He is still trying to find the hidden surprise inside the electrical pole.

    Drop the dog off at home. Say goodbye to my wife who is heading to work then its time for a haircut and some banking. I could take the car but decide to walk.

    Do some shopping errands. Get home and make some biscuits. Make a pie (never done that before). Make a HIVE article or two. Then its time to binge watch some anime :)

    After my son gets home he is pretty tired from school so he takes a nap before he goes off to his volunteer job (he works 20hrs a week, school 35hrs a week and volunteer as well...busy guy).

    Get some dinner for everyone and then its time to take Nico for his evening walk.

    Overall it was good for over 15K steps so not unhappy about that. Hopefully my scale says nice things to me tomorrow...but after making a bunch of biscuits...I doubt it :)

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Until tomorrow.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

    House Chores, Walking

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