I'm Jealous

in voilk •  3 months ago

    It's been a while since I was a student. I actually graduated around 2020 from university and at the moment, I don't have any plans to pursue a master's degree. Anyways today, I wanted to talk about something that was good about being a student back in the day that isn't happening anymore as well as something bad in the past but students enjoy now.

    Back when I was a student still in elementary and middle school, I didn't have a phone. It wasn't until high school when I got a Nokia flip phone and later on I got a Samsung Galaxy 3 from my dad when I visited Malaysia during the summer holiday. This was my first smart phone but even then I didn't really use it that much except for calling, texting and maybe playing some games like Temple Run; this game was released in 2011! Around this time social media wasn't as big as it is today. This brings me to my point. I think a good thing being a student back then was the lack of time being spent or consumed by social media. Nowadays, students are spending a lot of time on social media. They are taking photos for Instagram and sharing their super happy, perfect lives. They are watching a lot of youtube shorts, tiktok videos and if they aren't watching them, then they are creating them. Those short videos are pretty addictive and it really does past time because the algorithm is feeding the exact stuff the user wants to see. As for this, I think there's really nothing that can be done for the present students to go back to how it was during my time. I guess social media platforms could ban students but why would they kill their revenue.

    As for something bad being a student back in the day, I feel it would be finding the information I'm looking for summarized. In the past, I would have to research and read a lot even during University and honestly I'm somebody that hates reading textbooks or research journals. That's why I find the current students to be super lucky. Now they have AI like ChatGPT to directly spoon feed the information to them and teach them how to do things. In fact, it can actually write essays and other assignments for them which I would highly recommend not doing as that ruins the purpose of learning. They can get the information summarized and to be easily understood. I remember always having to ask questions to my teachers during middle school and high school for homework but I don't think students need that anymore. Honestly, I'm jealous that students have access to this. I wish I had it when I was still studying. As for this, I don't think there's anything that can be done. Teachers and students have to embrace this new advancement in technology and find a way to incorporate it into the learning without students just using it to "cheat" assignments etc.

    It's crazy how the life of a student has changed since I was a student. Within a couple years, we will most likely see AI getting physical bodies and they could probably be teachers at a certain point down the road. They wouldn't have any favoritism and they would just be a walking database for learning. No human teacher could compete against that. What do you think of all this?

    I didn't really take much photos back when I was a student so I'm just going to use this. Honestly, I only started taking photos for blogs since I started Hive and still don't really like taking pictures of myself but I try and do because I like to keep it real.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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