How I made my Day

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Today was a busy day, after long night reading, preparing for the last examinations of the semester I woke up very late in the morning. When I woke up I didn't remember that the time for the exams was slated ten a.m, I thought it was to take place by eight a.m prompt. This caused me to rush.

    I rushed out of the hostel early around seven a.m to my faculty building to get exam permit slip which without it one would not be allowed to write exams. When I reached my faculty building, I was expecting to see a lot of my course mates waiting to get their slips but I saw only two persons. This is unusual.

    I was confused, I had to ask one of them why the place was not crowded as usual and she told me,"Some people are still home since the exam is by ten a.m". I was shocked,"Ten a.m"? Meaning I still have like three hours to exam time.

    I didn't really feel bad but I decided to just visit the resource center to get some material to read and keep on preparing.

    After getting some materials,I headed straight to the hall. When I reached the hall, it looked almost enter with few people sitted. I had to sit behind to get some breeze from the fan and also have my phone charged. I also prefer sitting behind so as to avoid being watched carefully by the exam supervisors.

    Finally, it was ten and the exam began, it was easy for me as I prepared to pass my last exam more than the others. After the exams ,with joy in my heart and hunger in my stomach I rushed down to the cafeteria and purchased some delicious food and made my day great.

    This meal is my favorite, spaghetti with sauce and boiled bean cake and boiled egg, but she had no boiled egg today.

    By I time I descended on this food,I finished it in less than a minute and ordered for another plate. After overfeeding myself and pushing down the food down into my stomach with a chilled bottle of coke,I made my way to the dormitory and took a cool sleep.

    I know today is one of my happiest day in the sense that I ate my favorite meal to my satisfaction and took my test very well and also a stressful day in the sense that I had to prepare for the test ,rush for no reason and ended up missing breakfast for ignorance.

    This pictures were taken with phone.

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