Worldbuilding Prompt #742 - Troll Booth

in voilk •  4 months ago

    This post was inspired by a prompt in the Worldbuilding Community - Worldbuilding Prompt #742 - Toll Booth

    It is based in my "Confluence" setting, a world at the point where the four elemental planes meet.

    I admit that this post is basically built around a single gag. Enjoy !

    Image created by AI in NightCafe Studio

    The rain was clearing as the small party of gnomes and their wagon approached the crossing over the River Holdwater. The wagon was being pulled by their loyal and uncomplaining beast of burden, which they had unimaginatively named Craig. Craig the Cart-Mule.

    The Holdwater had been named by Leonidas Sharrow, the first man to start exploring this new world. Without a hint of egocentricity he had named his first settlement after himself, Sharrow's Hold. The river ran past it, providing water to the Hold, so he called it the Holdwater. The fact that it held water was an additional bonus in a world where this wasn't a given.

    "'Ere, Igor, that's different," the lead gnome said to his companion as they trudged towards the crossing.

    They were both wearing grey cloaks, but Igor's one was lighter and had more patches. "Yer, Ivan. Used to be jus' the one bridge. 'S two now."

    He wasn't wrong. The river ran through a deep gorge, and the crossing still looked precarious and rickety, but now there were two crude bridges where there had only been one before. The lower bridge was clearly just for foot traffic, while the upper one was wide enough for their cart if they were careful. The railings didn't look too strong or secure.

    But the biggest change was the addition of a house. More of a hut, really, at the far end of the upper bridge. It was built with an arch through it and sturdy doors which would present a formidable barrier. They could see lights at the windows.

    The party of gnomes trudged up to the bridges and started to cross the upper one, taking great care to control their cart. It was a long drop into fast-rushing, turbulent and rock-filled waters if they got it wrong.

    Just as they reached the mid-point of the bridge, some... thing emerged from the hut's arch.

    It was twice the height of the gnomes and more, a hulking brute seemingly made of the same rock the bridge's piers had been carved from. In one hand it dragged a club which was just the stump of a branch torn from a nearby tree. The other hand was held out in front of it, craggy palm upwards.

    The gnomes halted in confusion. The troll shook it's upturned hand up and down menacingly, in the universal gesture which everyone recognises as extracting money with menaces.

    Shakily, Igor asked the monster, "Are... are you a... ummm... troll ?"

    The beast nodded. "Yessum. Troll. You pay troll. Pay toll."

    "This isn't supposed to be a toll bridge !" Ivan piped up, with more courage than sense.

    "Is now," retorted the troll. "Last lot came through here, knocked bridge down. We rebuilt. Cost time, cost money. Boss troll he say we get money back from crossers. Now we not slum it under bridge like country trolls. We live in nice house on top away from splashy water."

    It was clear the troll wasn't the brightest specimen of a race not known for their shining wit and intelligence. Which the gnomes, being gnomes, took full advantage of.

    As they passed the troll, each gnome in turn paid him. Soon, the troll's upturned palm was plentifully filled, with old copper pieces, worn out debased "silver" coins (mostly lead), and even a rusty washer or two.

    As the last gnome dropped a verdigrised copper piece and a lump of old chewing gum into the troll's claw-like hand, the monster beamed happily. It was pretty intimidating. He pointed to a crudely painted sign on the doorway as he slowly pushed it open.

    "Look. It all official. See sign. It say Troll Booth."

    Image created by AI inNightCafe Studio

    For anyone interested, this is a map of the region, created in Wonderdraft;
    Centre 30%.jpg

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