My Cleaning Activity For Saturday, 23rd of March, 2024.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    My Cleaning Activity For Saturday, 23rd of March, 2024.

    Good evening my fellow Hivers, welcome to my blog. Today I carried out my cleaning as always. It was a busy day within my community, as everyone was repairing one thing or the other within the community as a result of the severe wind. Today I went around my community to sympathize with those whose properties are damaged. We assisted in our little way. The environment is experiencing many negative changes, and it is up to us to take action. Every little effort counts because our environment is in danger, and so are we. These negative changes are responsible for the disasters we experience once in a while in the world.

    They are usually man-made or natural, all these problems could have been averted if the trees had not been fallen for plywood, construction etc. As I moved around the vicinity I saw different wastes littered around the place due to the heavy wind, including polythene, a sachet of water, paper, plastic bottles etc.

    We also need to take care of our drainage because the rainy season has just begun. We need to pick the waste that has been dumped in the drains to prevent another natural disaster like the wind that wreaks havoc within our communities.

    These pictures show how I did my cleaning








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