Mama, I Still Love You! A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

in voilk •  3 days ago

    What I see:
    I see a lady holding a bowl with laundry and a vegetative mother sitting down.

    What I think:
    I think the mother isn't in good health condition. And the lady is the one watching over her.

    When I look into your eyes, I can feel the inner pains of a mother. You wish that you could be here with me. You wish that you could do the chores with me. You that I you could get to the grocery store with me. You wish that you could do the laundry with me. But Mama, you are not vegetative. You are my mama and I still love you.

    I love the day I know you as my mother. I cherish all that you have gone through to make life out for me. Mama, I believe in your love for me. You have carried me in your womb and bore. You put me in your palms and breastfed me. Mama, you sacrifice your joy and pleasure to make me get a life to life. So Mama, I love you.

    Serving you is not a misplaced priority for me. I couldn't a you otherwise. I want you because I love you. People might not like your condition but I’m not ashamed to be known with you. You are my dearest mother. Mama, I love you even the way you are. Here we will be together as long as God keeps you alive.

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