50 Dollars: Two Choices, Knowledge Vs Style

in voilk •  6 days ago

    A good book is like a good friend. Although books choices depends on our Mood, Taste, and Priorities. Different sorts of books can be found in Libraries, book stalls and shops. No doubt, they have wisdom, knowledge, and ideas that can help us in leading the whole world. As Napoleon Bonaparte says,

    "Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world."


    From my Childhood, I'm a Books lover although I'm not Books Worm. I like to read different books about Business and Finance. It is the main reason my Home LIbrary is always full of different Digests, Novels, Short Notes, and Books. I craft different ideas from them and like to implement in my practical life.

    50$ Question

    If I have 50$ in my pocket and someone asks me to spend them on one choice from the following,

    • Good Books


    • Good Clothes

    Then I shall spend my all 50$ on Books. It looks funny and crazy. I can spend my life on my current clothes but I can't keep myself away from books. If I want to grow and mature in my knowledge then my choice is not bad.


    After spend 50$ on books, I shall read all of them. I shall value the author's ideas and shall modify my life accordingly.

    By reading books, we not only can get learning but they are our good companions especially when we are bored. Every book is like my good friend, whenever I want to talk my friend, I open books and read them one by one.

    More than $50 can be earned again after reading and implementing finance ideas and by selling these ideas on different platforms like Hive, Publish0x and Medium. When I shall spend them on Clothes then I shall look cool and comfortable for few days and I can't earned anything from my clothes. Hence, it is more better to spend 50$ on books.

    Final Thoughts

    It is a wise man Question that models loves to purchase clothes while leaders like to buy clothes. Love with books can turn us into an intellectual personality while wearing new clothes can give us comfortable for a short time. If someone gifts me 50$ then I shall buy a Good book worth of 50$. Books have my mental comforts. By learning different ideas, I can change the perspective of my country. A wisdom mind is more better for me than a well decorated model. This is my choice and I proudly can share about my choices.


    All Pictures are mine and have been used previously in my Hive Blogs.

    This is my entry for Weekly Topics by Galenkp, I hope you have enjoyed my today write-up. Thanks!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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