Hugging the Shoreline

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Every thousand mile journey starts with the first step. The same goes for a 6 km round trip around the Burrard inlet. I found many photographic treasures in this hike, so I picked a few of the ones that stand out to give you an idea of what trail is like. So come along and don't forget your bottle of water.

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    In the following image, you see the shoreline of the inlet, where the low tide reveals the mud flats. There are several warnings along the trail advising visitor not to FA there or they're gonna FO.

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    Some sections along the outer edge are paved for accessibility. Easy and well marked trails crisscross in a network, which is at time disrupted by the rugged geography of the coast.

    You can tell they have put a lot of love (and funds) into this natural project.

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    To the left of this spot, the thick vegetation thins out and one can see the ocean and mountains beyond. I get such a grand feeling when I see this. It's like stepping away from the details of the picture and see the whole.

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    The bridge across the floodplain provides a formidable view of the area between land and sea. Unfortunately, it was being updated at the time, so there was a detour along the highway from where I took the picture.


    This is an interesting infographic about the area. It was a bit faded, and graffiti had been painted over it, but if you click on the image you can read the content in English 💂and French 👨‍🎨.

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    Back in the forest, the lush spectacle begins once again. Nature throwing herself on every available surface where nutrients can be gathered in languid repose.

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    More natural wonders lie ahead, but let us stop now on this bridge and admire the view of the gurgling stream passing by under our feet.

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    Images by @litguru

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