The Illusion of Privacy in the Digital Era: Are You Safe Online?

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Nowadays we all spend most of our time online because the internet has reached everywhere and things have become much easier people use the internet a lot whether it is for the work of their daily life or Internet has become very useful for solving any problem. Everyone uses it at their convenience. Many people use them only to watch reels on YouTube and Instagram. Their brain gets very tired after seeing all these things. I have realized this, although I have stopped doing all this, but when I do it I used to see that these things have been made in such a way that you become addicted to it and it becomes a little difficult to get free from its addiction. Whenever any of us is free, they remains busy on their phone. There are very few people who do not do this and this is a perfect thing. I use my phone for work very less because I have a laptop. 😛. But believe me, nowadays data privacy has become a very serious matter, some of us do not take it seriously but we should take it because it is a very serious topic.


    Whatever we search or see online, our internet provider records (have record)everything. If they want, they can also see what you search, which websites you visit and much more. There are many things about which one can easily learn. Nowadays, there are many tools available through which you can track things in your network and you can find out which members in your house are visiting which websites without accessing their phone, just by giving you their EMEI number. It is important to know the IP address as it is the only way you can identify their phone. When I was in college, I used to have an application called Netcut. With the help of this website, I could restrict the internet usage. It was a very useful tool but now I do not need it because now my internet speed is much better than before.

    Although nowadays many tools have come, through them you can hide your data search history or make it untraceable. You can also do this by using VPN. If you want more privacy, then you can use TOR web browser. You can but many people advise you not to use it I agree here that if you use it to search for something then it is a good browser but I will not let you share your personal information here. Do not do this, it can be a bit dangerous. Although other browsers are used to develop the dark web, you can also use it as a normal browser with money, but keep in mind that you should not share any of your ID, password or other things from here or from them. Login If you wish, you can set a new user ID and password. There are many benefits of developing a personal account and using it because it keeps your privacy intact. This is a very useful browser, I always use it often.

    Believe me, if you are online then your privacy is a myth. Believe me, even if you search for anything in incognito mode, your ISP provider can find out and this is not a new thing. I don't think people should share their search history or any private thing with everyone because a lot is going on in someone's heart. You can't judge a person based on there search history. But believe me, if you can access anything for free like Facebook, Instagram or not, then all this is stealing your data. Gradually, yes, many people must be aware of this, it is quite a lot. It is a big business and due to this, all these companies are making huge profits and their revenue also comes from such things. When anything is available for free, then you are the products. The most precious thing here is your time, so use it very wisely, do not waste your time here and there and keeping your privacy safe is your job and you are the only one who can protect it.



    Many people make their private life public, even if they earn money from it, but it is not a good thing because by doing this, they invite many things and in such a situation, the criminals take advantage of many things. Can they get to know a lot of things about them from their blogs or videos? If you want to keep your life private then you should share less things about your personal life or specific things than about work and this is also very important. By the way, whichever country you are living in, if your government wants, they can get everything about you because they already have a lot of information and if they want, they can find out a lot about you and I don't think so. If any of your videos will be of any use to the government, your privacy will also be of no use there because if they want, they will be able to find out anything about you and what is the truth and I think everyone will support this.

    Many people go to cyber cafes (no that much now) and log in with their internet banking ID passwords and this is not good advice because doing so can be very dangerous because many cybercriminals install software that also records your key stock. And by doing this also you can easily know your ID password. Yes, there are many ways by which you can avoid such things, for that perhaps I will have to make a separate detailed post, but still do not spend money whenever you If you are using mobile banking or other things, then it is safe to do so only on your personal Wi-Fi or on your gadgets. Your privacy and security are in your hands only. It is you who if you do not take care of small things then it can prove to be dangerous for you and due to not doing so, many people get trapped in many cyber crimes.

    Everything has its benefits and disadvantages too. If everything is within a limited time then the thing is fine. I believe that data privacy is necessary, if you want to remain completely anonymous then do so too. It is possible to achieve, there are many things through which you can do this and it is not an impossible thing to do so, if you want then you can do everything, you just have to be clear your mind first because your data is your property, nowadays information is everything. If someone can access your internet and find your things then you are not safe, then I would advise you to try harder to maintain your privacy and use such things which do not pose any threat to your privacy.

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    see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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