Learning is the key that unlocks endless possibilities.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    There is a small kid at my home, who grasps all the dance steps by her own watching the videos on Teleiviosn or on any social media channel. She is a quick learner who does not need a formal coaching. But yes she is not yet perfect and may require training to make it a perfect moves when it comes to grooving. But by her age and standard she is doing much better than any novice. Even being an adult we cannot be a percentile better than her moves. Likewise there is a another kid who learned #art by her own and makes some exception drawing and painting. I made her to join #hive. Though she is yet to get any kind of coaching. This makes learning not everyone cuppa of tea. Learning is hard and requires time and effort and more over the interest and passion factor plays an important role.

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    Learn and Adapt.

    We might have seen that there are many children who struggle in school, and countless adults who face difficulties when acquiring new skills. Like many people find it hard to adapt to computerized world in begining. At the same time there are those who seem to effortlessly absorb knowledge. This makes Learning something a complicated process at any age. It can be difficult because it involves changing our mind about something. I remember, I went on to learn riding a two wheeler without any coaching. I had the passion watching my Dad riding a scooter, and I was too fascinated towards it. I simply saw him driving and quickly made way to my self. No formal training, it was dream to ride it and slowly I started pushing and pulling it and then again starting the bike and suddenly started changing gears. It just happen that I found myself riding it on a lonely winter night.

    Though, at one stage it appears that I am a fast learner. But such thing does not comes all the time. I had this case in my working days, that I really find it difficult to adjust to new software while carrying out the task. During my career I worked on various software. It does not took long to get a hand on them. But there was one particular software, which took me time to adjust much longer than expected. Adapting to new technology right after changing the companies is not easy. As it involves changing to while new atmosphere, work profile and responsibilities. Makingbit harder to grasp the skill. But with times we get habitual towork on them.

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    Zeal to learn

    To learn something, a person should have the interest on the subject to learn. To many extent, it depends upon the tutor or teacher who is imparting skills and knowledge. If a person got a good mentor than they could reach pinnacle of career. Like it was the case with Chanakya and Chandragupta

    Chanakya took Chandragupta to the University of Taxila to develop all the characteristics he needed to become a king. Chanakya was a teacher in the Taxila university. Chandragupta, went on to becomes the emperor of the Mauryan Empire.

    So learning anything makes a two way cycle. If Chanddragupta never had the Zeal to learn, or never had the master in Chanakya. He would never going to rule India for so long.

    Learning cycle.

    Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and behaviors. It can be attained at any point of age. But the person needs to developt a sense of interest and liking for it. Mere talking and thinking does not less to acquire anything. Lesrning is a long process of

    Encountering new information, Paying attention to it, Coordinating it with what you already know, Storing it in your memory, and Applying it.

    One can learn through Observation like the way I learned riding bikes. While some learn through attention, like the dancing kids who mere learn the expression and style putting her attention on videos. And finally #Motivation to do well is what influence and completes the learning process. It does not comes while sleeping one needs to spend time and effort to learn and develop a new skills.

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    In my personal opinion, I belive every person should be open to learn. As it always adds on something new and interesting in them which might be beneficial and fruitful. In my journey on #hive and #crypto, I learned #blogging, vlogging, #photography #trading and many new things. And all helped me alwsys.


    Namaste @steemflow

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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