Trying Not To Get Shot

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I've subscribed to ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY for a while now but I never had the chance to post something here. This will be my first post here and just for some background, I'm from Malaysia and I will be sharing about playing paintball which happened this morning-afternoon.


    My cousin contacted me a few days ago and asked me if I was up for playing paintball. I never tried before so I was like why not. Today, I woke up around 7:45 to get ready and go to my cousin's house to carpool with him to the paintball location. The place was called Kombat Zone Paintball and I have to say it was in a small village area about one hour away. You know it's small place when there's only one road for cars to drive going in and out. We arrived around 10am but we ended up having to wait for someone that drove to the wrong location so we actually started around 11am.


    Briefing & Equipment
    After the last guy came, the guy that was going to referee our game was briefing us on safety and how to play the game modes. You can check out below some photos of the equipment. I took photos of the paintball guns, face helmet, vests and the pellets.




    There were two maps to play on. The left side had mostly barrels and less cover. The right side had two towers and some wooden structures to play around that gave better cover.





    How Was My Experience

    Honestly, I have mixed feelings about paintball. I think it's fun but we probably should've played on another location with turf. It probably rained the night before or the day before as there was a lot of puddles of water and mud around the field and behind the barrels. There was also a lot of mosquitos and that wasn't fun either since I didn't prepare any repellant.

    It was also surprisingly really tiring with the humidity and the gear it also gets quite hot fast. We had to take like 10-15 minute breaks in between each game and we played a total of five games with two lives. I believe three of the games just had to eliminate the other team or touch the flag from enemy base. Then there were two games of taking the flag from the middle to the enemy's base.

    Now some people may be wondering whether it hurts and I have to yes it does hurt if you get hit. It also depends where you get hit as well and from what distance. If you get hit in the neck or back of the head, then that will hurt more than other parts of the body. I have a few bruises around my body but there's one on my leg that had a bit of bleeding which you can see from the picture below. It's a bit graphic so sorry about that.


    All in all, it was a thrilling and a bit painful experience. I'm not sure if I would do it again in the future but at least I tried paintball once in my lifetime and I'm satisfied with that.

    Screenshot from google reviews
    Group photo was taken by the referee with one of the player's phone
    The rest of the photos are mine taken by me

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