Unlimited Chicken Wings!

in voilk •  19 hours ago

    Hello, my fellow foodies! For today's blog, i would like to feature one of my go-to restaurant during my college days, Wingers Unlimited.
    Wingers Unlimited has been open since i was in my first few years in college, about 7-8 years ago. Many of my memories and good old times were spent in this restaurant. From celebrating my birthday with friends to simple dinners after school with my siblings, this restaurant has witnessed many cherished moments.
    This military inspired restaurant serves unlimited chicken wings in many flavors, fries, ice cream, and drinks. Price range depends whether diners avail of the unlimited fries, ice cream, and drinks.

    Base on the theme, I assume that the owner of this restaurant must be a former member of the Navy or he/she simply is a fan of the army. Even the staffs are in military costumes.
    For our first order, we availed two pieces per flavor which includes mustard, garlic, honey soy, BBQ, and gravy. We were so hungry during this time that we ordered additional rice and chicken, this time only the garlic flavor.
    I used to finish 8-10 wings in one seating back when i was in college. But during my recent visit, i only had about 5 chicken wings and 2 cups of rice. My appetite must've decrease over the years already or maybe their chicken wings must've evolved in taste too. We didn't avail of their unlimited fries, drinks, and ice cream since we try to limit our sugar intake and have a better diet. Chicken, we thought, is okay since it's rich in protein.
    Fortunately, we dinned in during weekdays so the price of their unlimited wings is cheaper, around (5.50 USD) compared when dining on weekends (8.00 USD).

    That's it for today's blog. See you in my next one!

    Sending some love and light

    Love, Jane

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