School Chronicles: Tales of Trials, Trigonometry, and Anecdotes

in voilk •  3 months ago

    School stinks, especially math. When will I ever use geometry, trigonometry, and calculus in the real world? I think you're only saying that because you're bad at geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Why is everyone so quick to hate math? One thing I would change about math class is that I think it's dumb that you have to "show your work." Do you know how much harder it is to cheat when you have to show your work? Okay, I think we can all agree that a lot of what your school teacher isn't that important, and there are more important things schools could be teaching you, like taxes or how to pick a good president, but I'm not the one who makes the curriculum. Regardless of how good your education system is, you should always stay in school.


    I was a good student in school, not counting college, and look how it turned out. I'm not using anything I learned in school almost every day. Sure, you'll probably never need to know that much about Shakespeare's plays, but now you know how to read old, compliant books, and no, you'll probably never have to find the area under a curve. But now you can say that you can, and isn't that what life's all about? Like, don't go to the urinal right next to another guy unless it's necessary, or if the urinals don't have a divider, then everyone can agree to keep their eyes and minds straight. These rules have been taught to us at a very young age. By the time we were in elementary school, we were all pros at peeing, except for some of us when we were asleep, but that's not important, so at this point in life, we all should have known what we were doing.

    But there's this one kid who I guess no one ever taught how to pee correctly this kid I'm not gonna say his race because it doesn't matter but when he went to the bathroom he would pull his pant and underwear down to the ground the first time I saw the kid doing this as when I was in the urinal right next to him "PEE FASTER" screamed the remarkably uncomfortable James as us 2 bros were peeing a 3rd bro walked into the bathroom saw this kid's bottom and just went "OOH" and walked out of the bathroom I wish I could have done the same how do you tell someone "hey man, when you pee like that everyone, can see your butt so just, I don't know what happened to that kid I think he would agree with me that math is easy he was Asian.

    When I was little I had a very weird sense of humor so in the fifth grade there was this girl I'd known for a long time we weren't strangers or anything and one day I said to her you have two big blue zits right in your eyes and I pointed at her eyes I was talking about her eyes I called her eyes zits she immediately slapped me probably because that joke was so awful and that was the first time I ever got slapped by someone who wasn't a family member and yes it was priscilla the girl i sat next to in the cardboard boat she claims that the slap was an accident and that she was just trying to fake slap me to scare me but i think she was just really self conscience about her eyes zits.


    One time my 6th grade teacher who was the same height as all of us threw a staper across the room because we wouldn't stop talking here's an anecdote about the first time i got detention and itn't that exciting i was in the 7th grade and our class was at a computer lab the kid sitting next to me his race doesn't matter so i'm not gonna say it asian kept changing the computer's wallpaper to cays and he kept showing me to be fair i through what he was doing was hilarious then i asked him "can you change the background to chuck norris" that just goes to show you how long ago this story took place he showed me what he did i laughed but then the teacher said "who's changing the wallpapers" she ws able to see everyone screens from her computer the kid said me and him you were the one chaging the wallpapers i means i was involved a little but don't drag me down with you we ended up getting detention except my school didn't call it detentions they called it CARE which i'm sure is an acronym for something.


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