Day 6 - Buying Used Journals is a Thing

in voilk •  5 months ago

    NaJoPoMo 24 - Day 6.JPG

    My Sunday was slow. I planned for it to be but on slow days I inevitably get sucked into internet rabbit holes. So I found myself shopping for handcrafted journals on Etsy. I've bought some of the most unique journals off there from very talented peopled.

    What I didn't expect to find was a whole world I never even knew existed - buying used journals. At first I was shocked anyone would want to read some else's journal. It felt icky and weird. And I know that had more to do with thinking about someone reading mine than the ones being sold. I noticed the journals/diaries I found were from 40's and 50's and I was intrigued. It would be interesting to peak into someone's everyday life back then.

    Have you ever heard of this and if you came across one, would you buy it?

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