Dalaw Turo in San Remigio NHS

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hello Hivers!! Long time, no see. I hope you are doing well. Happy mother's Day to those mothers who is currently reading this.(✿^‿^)

    I've been busy lately with my academics, especially periodic tests. But luckily, it's all done. The day after the test, which is Wednesday, there's a seminar held in our school about biodiversity. At first, I was hesitant because our house is far from our school, but one of my classmates keeps on encouraging us to join, and it caught my attention, so I decided to go. Thank you for encouraging me @mholldy08!(ㆁωㆁ)


    This seminar was facilitated by the Youth for the Environment in School Organisation or YES-O club in our school. It started at 10:00 a.m. and ended at 12:00 p.m. The first thing they did was interview us about how well we knew about our environment and the protected areas in the Philippines. At first, I really didn't know that there were protected near here in Cebu, but shockingly, there is called Tañon Strait. One of the questions also asks us if humans cause the change in our environment, which I highly agree with. I do think that humans caused all this because, if you believe it or not, only humans have the power to do things that are harmful to the earth. For example, deforestation, burning plastic, and etc.



    They played three videos about the things that we needed to know. And one of the things that they talk about is how we can help preserve our biodiversity. After playing each video, there's always a question about what the video is all about, etc. Half way through the video, they gave us snacks to eat while watching. They also introduced us to the different protected areas in the Philippines, where some areas are limited and only researchers can go. After the video, they ask us what we're willing to do to protect our environment. The first thing that came to mind was the research that we are currently working on. Our study is about detecting nutrients in bodies of water if they're above normal. This will be helpful to avoid eutrophication in rivers.


    Later on, they gave us another paper to answer, but the questions were the same as the previous one. There is also a reward for answering the question. Sadly, I was not able to answer it since they lacked paper. However, I was able to read the context written because one of my friends was able to answer it. Overall, I'm grateful to learn something new and helpful.


    To those youth out there, I encourage you to join these kinds of events. It's free, and you'll be able to learn a lot of things. Not only that, but you can even apply this to your daily life so that you can help mother earth, especially nowadays when the weather is changing rapidly. That's all, don't forget to wish your mother a happy Mother's Day. See you next time! God bless you and stay hydrated. (≧▽≦)

    Disclaimer: The pictures are taken from a Facebook post by the YES-O adviser.

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