Today we celebrate a wonderful day

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Seven years ago God blessed me with my last son, I asked for a healthy, obedient, intelligent and affectionate child and with him he has excelled, he is all that and more.

    Today is his birthday and I had him bake a delicious cake full of chocolate and arequipe and together with his teenage brother we went to eat pizza together as a family.

    An intimate gathering where we ate delicious food, without attending guests and without stress, where the children also asked to get into the park of the fast food store and enjoy a nice time.

    It was a great night, thankful to God for all the wonderful moments he allows me to share with my loved ones, for this and many more years to come.

    Translated with (free version)

    Hoy celebramos un día maravilloso
    Hace siete años Dios me bendijo con mi último hijo, le pedí un niño sano, obediente, inteligente y cariñoso y con el se lució, es todo eso y más.
    Hoy está de cumpleaños y le mandé a hacer un pastel delicioso full chocolate y arequipe y junto a su hermano adolescente nos fuimos juntos a comer pizza en familia.
    Una reunión íntima donde comimos rico, sin atender invitados y sin estrés, dónde además los niños pidieron meterse en el parque de la tienda de comidas rápidas y disfrutar un rato agradable.
    Fue una noche estupenda, agradecida con Dios por todos los momentos maravillosos que me permite compartir junto a mis seres queridos, por este y muchos años más.

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