Not always like the movies

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Photo by Denise Jans

    I was on tiktok the other day just whiling away time when I stumbled upon this particular video of two guys who were testing some movie theories and on that particular video, they were trying to see if a car could really shield someone from a bullet just like they show in the movies. So they had gotten a car and fired a bullet through it and to my surprise, it went through without any disturbance or hindrance.

    I said to my surprise because although I'm an adult now and I know that there are certain things in movies that are just make-believe and not real, never have I thought that a car stopping a bullet was one of those. Like I believed it so much that if I ever found myself in a gunfight and I was looking for cover, ducking behind a car would probably be my first choice and also a quick way to heaven, apparently.

    Seeing that video brought me to the realization that although we might think we're smart and know when these movies are exaggerating, there are certain areas and things in movies that we believe to be true that are not. And why we actually do believe these things is because looking at it and using just common sense to understand it, it will actually make sense to you, but having it tested and tried out will leave you disappointed and feeling like a moron.

    Reminds me of back in the day as a kid where I thought that if someone was bad to you or did you wrong, that karma would always get to them and that they would suffer at the end, but that was me as a kid and it was understandable for me to be stupid and gullible at that age, but not at this age.. Lol

    Just like the other day when I also found out that putting a silencer on a gun doesn't actually make a gunshot soundless, it just kinda suppresses it a bit but not entirely like the name implies. Now I know this information might be useless to me at the moment, but you see the information isn't the problem here, the problem is the fact that I still believe all of these things till now, and I'm sure there are probably more movie facts out there that are mindblowing that I probably don't know about yet, I just have to keep on watching more tiktok videos I guess.

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