Control you can Choose...

in voilk •  last month


    From the world’s view, you are just an ordinary human being
    But in your view, you’re trying harder to make yourself feel special
    From the world’s view, you’re a coward trying to make a name for yourself
    But in your view you’re being just a person with dreams and passions…

    From people’s view, you are not trying your best to be better
    But your view tells you that you’ve done enough and you need to breathe
    From people’s view, you are doing nothing that could help them
    But your view only wants strength and learning to be learned

    You couldn’t choose or teach what people would see from your actions
    But only you can control what you can choose to listen and teach yourself
    You couldn’t choose whom you can come across in this lifetime
    But only you can decide who stays and who leaves by your side…

    Nothing the people say will stay if you won’t let them stay beneath your mind
    You can become your truth and your reality whenever you choose to
    Nothing of the people has the real power over you only if you dare to speak
    You can speak for your truth only if you want to speak and show what you are…

    Whenever you choose to
    What to see in your actions
    Nothing that could help them
    Person with dreams and passion


    Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

    As and will always be reminding you to dream:

    “As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

    tikatarot sign.png

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