I got me some prizes at Dreamworld Bangkok

in voilk •  3 months ago


    What's the point of going to the amusement park if you're not going to play the games there? At DreamWorld Bangkok, there were plenty of games and prizes to be won. It was a nice thing for people like me who can't enjoy the rides. :D


    At the games section, I was excited to see all of these HUGE stuffed toys. I mean, we were traveling so it wasn't really practical to win one since trying to get them into your luggage would be tricky... but it would still be really nice haha.


    The first game we saw was this one were you had to hit those cans with the balls. If I remember it correctly, it was 100 baht ($2.75) per game and you will have 3 balls per game. So that means 3 chances to hit them all.



    In my head I was like hmm... this seems quite easy. Ethan and I play balls often where I had to bounce the ball on the wall and if he doesn't catch it first then I will.. so maybe it will be easy for me to hit the target cos of my "training".


    When I got my hands on the balls, I didn't expect it to be quite light.. so hitting the cans would be a challenge since there's not much weight in those balls.

    Then it was my time to throw it... I only got 3 chances so I had to give it all my best like my life depends on it.

    Then bam I saw four cans fell over. OMG.

    Three cans standing still were staring at me. They telling me come on bitch, hit us.

    This is what I was born for. I trained my whole life and now is the time to serve my purpose. It's now or never.

    Then I hit all the cans. WOOOOOOH


    Look at that face of happiness LOL.


    They let me choose which one to get and of course I got the pink one. It was huge LOL. I walked around carrying my prize proudly. XD


    A lot of them were the same games with kinda same prizes lol. We then tried this one where you have to pop these balloons using the darts.


    Pop 4 balloons get 1 keychain
    Pop 5 balloons get 1 small doll
    Pop 6 balloons get 1 medium doll
    Pop 7 balloons get 1 large doll



    This seems pretty hard really haha. The last time I played darts was probably when I was 8 or something, when we had it in our house. The distance also adds to the difficulty. So yeah I really struggled with it and I didn't hit a single balloon haha. @acidyo was able to hit some. He was really good at it. :D


    Look at what Acid won. :D




    There were also basketball games which Acid played. Filipinos would love this and I bet they would win this easily since basketball is the most popular sport here. :D


    This might be the hardest game I've played. You had to throw the rings and if you're able to shoot a ring inside one of those bottles, then you win the jackpot. Sounds easy?


    These are the rings and they're so tiny lol. 1 game is 100 Baht and it would give you 80 rings. Sounds ok... Then we tried it. We played like maybe 4 times but BRUUUHHHHHHH we still haven't shot any rings at all. Everytime we throw a ring it would just bounce somewhere else. It was impossible so we gave up eventually. :D


    Next game we have this spinning metal. It was an easy concept, just don't let the ring touch the metal or it will electrocute you... metaphorically. :D


    It was a bit difficult since the spiral metal was also spinning while you concentrate on not touching it. Well I didn't end up winning and I only tried it once. :D


    Since I got overconfident of my first win, I tried it again.


    ...and again.


    ...and again.

    Until I realized that first win was just pure uncontaminated LUCK, not skill. * insert FUUUUUUU meme here * My aim was really shitty after that one game hahah.

    It's okay warrior, you have fulfilled the prophecy. XDDDD


    Last game we tried was another game of hitting the plates with the tennis balls. You don't just hit them, you gotta break them too. This game will be a bit harder since you have to also use your physical power (aside from willpower) to be able to break them. I didn't have that haha I think I was able to hit only one but not break it.

    Acid was able to hit AND break not one but two plates so we got this cute ass seal (?). I had him take this pic as if I won it hahah.

    In the end, the prizes were so huge that we just left them at the hotel since we didn't have the time to find a cheap luggage or just anything really to pack it. I hope the housekeeping liked our present! :D

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