Are you an idiot? [Week 238]

in voilk •  3 months ago

    "In defense of alcohol, I have to say that I have made worse decisions while sober."

    -Charles Bukowski.

    Throughout our lives we have all been idiots, starting from making decisions, since we were children we have this absurd intention of believing that we do not know them all and sometimes there were many of us who did not listen to our parents in reference to something that They told us not to do it and what happened? We fell off our bike, we forgot to do our homework, the little friend I took home ended up stealing something, and they had already warned me about all of this, I was stupid for not paying attention to them.

    So as the years go by we realize that life is a constant process of making decisions which will be the result of our actions for better or often for worse, although no one wants things to go badly but sometimes not making a good decision. It will end up leading you to an abyss, with time and experience I began to realize all this, also that there is advice that I should not listen to, because not all advice comes full of good intentions.

    Now we will talk about the worst human idiocy, hahaha many will be offended, others will feel identified, "Falling in love" that is good to a certain point, the bad thing about this is that when you get married, this marriage tries to change your personal projects, that is wrong , leaving your projects or ambitions for a partner, I recommend skipping that stage, I lived it firsthand and I know that nothing will return my time or what I could have achieved in that lost time

    Women are necessary in our lives, but we also have to be careful, because what many of them do is distance us from our purposes and goals, now a spite, hahahaha nothing more stupid than linking alcohol, beer, tequila, it is a burden explosive not suitable for weak livers hahaha, that's how you think when you have a few drinks and the next day you have a fatal hangover, don't be discouraged if you have ever been an idiot in your life, now it's that they are missing many more times, but as the saying goes, habit makes perfect, and each experience will free us from human idiocy.

    well this was all my content, see you next time, I hope you have a great weekend and a happy new year

    @armasdiazePhone Smart 7Google Traslated
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