Playing with Roger in classic mode (MLBB)

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Saludos Hivers, feliz inicio de semana para todos. Por favor si se van a la playa inviten a ver si con el agua salada se nos quita lo salado que estamos últimamente; sí así como leen lo salado se quita con sal haha.

    Hoy me puse a inventar en MLBB a jugar con otro personaje que si bien no es nuevo, no acostumbro a jugar con él, y estoy casi seguro que no he traido ningun gameplay de Roger.

    Roger es mitad hombre y mitad lobo, lo que le permite tener diferentes habilidades, y pues como pocos héroes su ulti se desbloquea desde el momento que empezamos a jugar, no hay que esperar subir a nivel 4 para obtenerlo, aunque básicamente no es un poder de ataque como tal, es solo la opción de convertirse en lobo o de lobo en humano.

    Creo que su mayor fuerza esta como tirador, tiene un potencial en cuanto a la velocidad de ataque como lo que quita de vida con su primera habilidad que al impactar con el enemigo este se ralentiza por algunos segundos, lo que nos permite usar la ultimate, convertirnos en lobo, usar su habilidad de rastro para luego marcar al enemigo y atacar.

    Roger es todo un cazador, y he visto que lo usan con ítems de robo de vida. Creo recordar que cuando cambia de forma también obtiene una cierta defensa y algo de hp extra por segundos, lo que pudiera ser un buen as bajo la manga para escapar o hacer creer al enemigo que estamos ya casi por morir.

    Yo seguiré probándolo, y creo que lo voy a comprar porque me he ganado una nueva skin que quiero probar, la que tengo puesta es solo una carta de prueba.

    ! [English Text] Greetings Hivers, happy start of the week to all. Please, if you go to the beach, invite us to see if the salt water will take away the saltiness that we are lately; yes, as you read, saltiness can be removed with salt haha.

    Today I started to invent in MLBB to play with another character that although he is not new, I'm not used to play with him, and I'm almost sure I haven't brought any gameplay of Roger.

    Roger is half man and half wolf, which allows him to have different abilities, and like few heroes his ulti is unlocked from the moment we start playing, we don't have to wait to level up to level 4 to get it, although basically it's not an attack power as such, it's just the option to turn into a wolf or wolf into a human.

    I think his greatest strength is as a shooter, he has a potential in terms of attack speed as he removes life with his first ability that on impact with the enemy this slows down for a few seconds, allowing us to use the ultimate, become a wolf, use his ability to trace and then mark the enemy and attack.

    Roger is quite a hunter, and I've seen him used with life steal items. I think I remember that when he changes form he also gets a certain defense and some extra hp per second, which could be a good ace up his sleeve to escape or make the enemy think that we are about to die.

    I'll keep testing it, and I think I'm going to buy it because I've won a new skin that I want to try, the one I have on is just a test card.


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