in voilk •  5 months ago


    And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ (Philippians 1:9-10).


    Choosing between good, better, and best can be a challenging task that requires careful consideration and discernment. It's essential to have a clear understanding of your priorities and goals to make the right decision.

    However, it's not always easy to determine what is excellent or best for us, as our perception of these concepts can vary depending on our values, beliefs, and experiences.

    Therefore, we need to cultivate our knowledge and judgment continually. We must seek out new information, perspectives, and feedback from others to broaden our understanding of the options available to us. Additionally, we should strive to be sincere in our intentions and actions, avoiding any offense towards others.

    Ultimately, the goal is not just to choose what is good or better but to approve things that are excellent. To do so requires us to be intentional about aligning our choices with our values and goals while also considering the impact on those around us. Through this process of discernment and reflection, we can make wise decisions that honor God and bring fulfillment in our lives.

    We must also recognize that the choices we make are not always clear-cut and may require trade-offs. Sometimes, what is good for us may not be the best option for others, and vice versa. In these situations, we need to exercise empathy and understanding towards those affected by our decisions.

    Moreover, it's important to remember that our choices have consequences beyond ourselves. We should consider the impact on our community, society, and the environment when making decisions. By doing so, we can contribute to creating a better world for everyone.

    I don't know about you, but when I have to make a hard choice, it's not between good and bad. Most of the time, I know what's good and what's bad, especially when bad means evil. When I have to choose between good, better, and best, it's hard for me. Usually, my love for God is stronger than my weaknesses, and I choose to do good instead of bad. But it's hard for me to choose between good and best if I haven't put myself in front of God's word and given my heart to him in prayer. But I'm sure that a lot of what God would like to do through us today doesn't happen because we've settled for good when he wants to lead us to best.

    In conclusion, choosing between good, better, and best requires continuous learning, discernment, sincerity, and consideration of others. It's a challenging task that demands intentional alignment with our values and goals while also recognizing the impact on others and the world around us. Let us strive to approve things that are excellent in all aspects of our lives.


    Omnipotent and benevolent God, I implore you to impart your wisdom upon me and instill within me a heart that is devoted to loving you, discerning your will, and comprehending your ways. Grant me the ability to optimize my time in fulfilling your purpose at work, with my loved ones, amongst my peers, and particularly in front of those who have yet to embrace Christ as their Redeemer. May I also ask for your guidance in making decisions that align with your will and in being a reflection of your love and grace to those around me. Please give me the strength to overcome any challenges or obstacles that come my way, and the humility to seek help when needed. Help me to be a light in this world, shining your truth and goodness wherever I go. Thank you for hearing my prayer,
    Lord, I ask for your continued guidance and wisdom as I navigate through the day ahead. Help me to remain focused on your will and purpose for my life, and to be a vessel of your love and grace to everyone I encounter. May my actions and words reflect the light of Christ in me, and may they draw others closer to you. Please provide me with the strength to persevere through any challenges or difficulties that arise, knowing that you are always with me. Thank you for your constant presence in my life, and for the blessings that you continue to bestow upon me each day. It is in the name of Jesus Christ that I humbly offer this supplication. Amen.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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