False Liberation and the Frankfurt School

in voilk •  5 days ago

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    "The Frankfurt School and its breakthroughs in sociology and within Critical Theory were incredibly impactful. With the help of these six individuals and their colleagues, more than one hundred years of influential academic work have taken place. The struggles of each of these academics led to research that has helped us understand how society can turn on those within it. Keeping an eye on these social processes is crucial in order to ensure that these sorts of terrible atrocities do not find their place in the 21st century." --The Collector

    The Frankfurt School

    On this episode Hector holds Jungle hostage to talk about the historical, ideological origins of Critical Race Theory and its implications for the next chapter of social control. According to Hector, the Frankfurt school gradually ingrained itself into American academia and is on a trajectory to shapeshift into the Next Best Thing: Communitarianism.

    Alienated Self

    This episode begins a trail of research into the deeper conspiracy which is out in the open --and tragically obfuscated by IIA (Automated Manipulation and Interactive Internet Activities). To clearly understand the Current-Thing one must contextualize its origins.

    The Superstructure of control can shapeshift its camouflage from communism, socialism to capitalism. After all, to the technocrats communism is a process in which they ultimately collectivized people into monopolies which in turn are managed by their social engineers. The deep connections matter: Carnegie Foundation, Reece committee, Bi National Science Foundation, Frankfurt School, City of London and Wallstreet.

    They control the education (indoctrination), centralize political authority with their people and build up the opposition through a vast system of funding, network of associates and front companies. This is not a new realization but continuously recycled methodology of divide and conquer with the aim of transforming humanity.

    As we delve into the deeper layers of consensus reality we are finding that the agenda is predictable, out in the open and it continues whether we agree or disagree. By doing the "boring stuff" (the homework as Jordan Maxwell, William Cooper mentioned) we will be able to deconstruct, and find meaningful connections which inspire us to overcome the limitations.

    It is imperative to continue the conversation outside of the addicting game of chasing conspiracies and reacting to the Current Thing. Developing out intuition by implicitly recognizing the patter, the emotional plague then we can realize the authentic self-guided liberation, rebirth. Let us not get lost in self-serving, indulgent and myopic rationalizations for our preferred team. To live presently, To live for the truth and create a heart-to-heart connection with humanity.

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