披薩口味大戰 / The pizza flavor battle

in voilk •  2 months ago



    不過,這幾年來,有家知名連鎖披薩店, Pizza Hut,它是全球最大的披薩專賣連鎖企業之一,時常推出各種改良口味的披薩,這些改良口味的披薩會強烈的融入本土元素,比如香菜皮蛋豬血糕比薩,把豬血糕拿來作披薩算是很有創意的,還特別加上皮蛋是發生什麼事?這個披薩是打算拿來惡搞外國人的嗎?這幾樣配料都是很多外國人,完全不敢嘗試的華人美食,蝦猴酥蚵仔比薩煎是另一款驚人之作,用嘉義東石鮮蚵、小白菜、雞蛋絲淋上甜辣醬,並加蒜頭與辣椒提味,完美複製蚵仔煎到比薩上,吃起來應該很酥脆,Pizza Hut 的披薩口味操作不但帶起了話題,同時,也促進了披薩的銷售量。

    最近,另一家連鎖披薩店,Domino's Pizza,也加入了披薩口味大戰,之前,我學生時代的好友,正好在 Domino's Pizza 打工,所以,我們幾個好友,那時候,常常有機會吃到 Domino's Pizza 的披薩,不是因為我們吃的披薩是免費的,我們一致同意,雖然它的名氣沒 Pizza Hut 響亮,但是它的披薩的確比 Pizza Hut 的好吃,因為它用的配料比較實在。

    我猜 Domino's Pizza 加入了披薩口味大戰的原因,是因為它主打的傳統口味披薩,對於求新求快的年輕人,沒有任何吸引力,所以,被迫求新求變,首推的極致干貝海鮮披薩,是使用上等干貝、印度洋大白蝦,搭配新鮮菠菜和香甜洋蔥,號稱豐富海鮮食材,絕對給顧客味蕾的最高享受,剛好,首推有優惠,只要台幣299元,我就買回來試試看。

    果然如同廣告宣傳的一樣,披薩上的8顆大干貝,搭配肉質鮮嫩的印度洋大白蝦,是主要的亮點,用料實在的披薩,就是好吃,我和家人們都吃得津津有味,我買的極致干貝海鮮披薩瞬間就被秒殺了,這場 Domino's Pizza 對戰 Pizza Hut 的披薩口味大戰,看起來已經敲響了戰鼓,接下來就看 Pizza Hut,如何接招了。

    When people crave pizza, they usually think of a few classic flavors. For me, it's Hawaiian, Margherita, and Pepperoni pizza. They're crowd favorites because they hit the spot and don't break the bank. Pizza, being a foreign food, tends to cost a bit more compared to local snacks. Without discounts, even the cheapest pizza goes for over 300 NT dollars. So, it's no surprise people go for the budget-friendly options.

    But in recent years, Pizza Hut, one of the world's largest pizza chains, has been mixing things up with some innovative local twists. They've been rolling out pizzas that boldly incorporate local elements. Take, for example, their coriander, century egg, and pig's blood cake pizza. Using pig's blood cake on a pizza? That's pretty creative. And throwing in century eggs? Are they trying to prank foreigners? These ingredients are ones many foreigners wouldn't dare to try, but Pizza Hut's bold moves have stirred up conversation and boosted pizza sales.

    Now, another pizza chain, Domino's Pizza, has joined the pizza flavor showdown. Back when I was in school, a good friend of mine worked at Domino's Pizza, so my friends and I often got to taste their pizzas. And let me tell you, it wasn't just because we got them for free. We all agreed that Domino's pizzas were simply tastier than Pizza Hut's, thanks to their quality ingredients.

    I reckon Domino's Pizza jumped into the flavor war because their traditional pies weren't cutting it for the younger crowd looking for something new and exciting. So, they launched their ultimate scallop seafood pizza, featuring top-notch scallops, Indian Ocean prawns, fresh spinach, and sweet onions. They claim it's a seafood feast that'll blow your taste buds away. Plus, with a promo offering it for just 299 NT dollars, I had to give it a try.

    And let me tell you, it lived up to the hype. Those eight big scallops and juicy Indian Ocean prawns on top? They stole the show. A pizza made with quality ingredients is just unbeatable. My family and I savored every bite, and my order of the ultimate scallop seafood pizza disappeared in no time. This pizza flavor battle between Domino's Pizza and Pizza Hut seems to have kicked off, and now we'll see how Pizza Hut responds.

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