How a son loves a mother: My boyfriend's touching story and his memory of his mum [Contest #184]

in voilk •  2 months ago

    This post is the result of a personal conversation, and also as part of a series of anecdotes together with my partner... I will not reveal names or any sensitive personal data. The life story between him and his mother is one of the things that has touched me the most in my life. I just stumbled upon @ladiesofhive's #contest184, and I saw it pertinent to answer the third line of the parameter to enter the contest: tell the influence that a mother or her equivalent has had on that person's life. Believe me, what you are about to read is very sensitive (not grotesque), but intimate, and is an unparalleled insight into the love a son can have for his mother; no matter what the circumstances...

    May 1995, day indeterminate and irrelevant to the story... A child wakes up in the morning. It's a school day, which means he has to hurry. As everyone can probably guess, it is neither easy nor simple for children to do things quickly, and even less so in the morning? This child is not yet aware that he is having a birthday. Well, in his house it is common for congratulations and presents to be given just at the time the birthday boy is born; and that is a long way off, because it was at night when he came into this world. He, the baby, does not live with his parents. He doesn't really understand why, but he doesn't think much of it, although every night he dreams of being with his mummy.

    Curiously, as he gets out of the shower and heads to the dining room for breakfast, he recognises from a distance a pair of silhouettes that are more than familiar to him. It is his mother and stepfather. He can't quite believe it. They have come for him to congratulate him, but along with their longed-for company they have brought a toy that, unbeknownst to the boy, he will never be able to forget: a Megazord from the first generation Power Rangers, the best and most famous of all the generations... The child can't believe it. The gift is so big, it almost reaches the height of the birthday boy. The child is the pure definition of happiness, innocence and joy.

    Suddenly, in retrospect, the once child is no longer a child. He reflects, while his eyes inevitably fill with tears (but he doesn't cry, he considers it weak). More than three decades have passed since that event, and the "boy" is somewhat less of a child, and May represents a challenge for him. I know him, I know him, I can feel him. He is not a closed man but one who has internalised the meaning of pain to himself. I don't know how to relate faithfully, but I have given him gifts, I have done things for him, his friends have done things for him and he never remembers anything.... He has only a few memories in his mind: and almost all of them have to do with his beautiful mother.

    Why? Well, do you remember that "boy" didn't live with his parents? Well, the years go by one after the other, and I can assure you that he would give everything he has or could have in his life, to be able to spend one more day, a couple of hours more with his mother. I knew her, and she was a powerful woman. At first glance, you can see that he inherited her strength, her character. Her illness, a chronic and very, very serious one, for years consumed her, slowly but persistently? Although certain resentments are evident in my girlfriend's heart towards her, she was always there for her mother. Always.

    He was not an only child, but the middle child, and he always placed her at the top of the women and their loves. Honestly, that always moved me. The pain of a lifetime without a mother by his side, for reasons I don't even know, still marks his life. He has his birthday tomorrow (May 8th), his mother died on the 19th of the same month but a couple of years ago. This is the worst month for him, I know. I love him, and I find him inspiring and unique, but I use his example to answer this week's quiz. Be in no doubt, mothers are never forgotten, and will always, always be loved unconditionally. He is no longer that 5 year old baby, but I have no doubt that on all his birthdays, he remembers the anecdote with which I started this post, who wouldn't?

    All photographs in this post are my own, and I have permission to use them.

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