Man should always use his weakness as strength

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hi #Hivelearners community.

    Life as it is is not easy at all, there are many difficulties in life when a person's heart wants to end life and die, but doing it in this way is completely wrong and successful in life is only a person. There is one who learns from the troubles of life and succeeds and continues to progress by working hard in the future. Life is not made for such fear-hungry people who end their lives because of a small difficulty. Start thinking about.

    These are the small desires that happen when a person can't get it. Now every person wants to have a good mobile, a good bike and a good car so that he has some respect in the society. And all these things can fulfill his needs, but the kind of difficult time that is going on today, then one has to give his whole life to get these three things, otherwise these three things will never be obtained by earning the right and halal.

    Every human being has a different nature in life and most people have this kind of nature, they like quiet life and most of them don't even like to talk to each other, so I was one of those people and I used to live a quiet life. but later realized after some time that life is too short it should be spent laughing and joking with each other so it's a fact that when you are born in a middle class family then when you grow up things It becomes very difficult,


    Every little need requires a lot of effort and the next life requires even more effort, because of which even many laughing people become silent. It is also a fact that we have seen in our lives that always the person who succeeds is the one who fails once and then after that he works so hard as now we have many such examples in front of us.

    There was a person who was afraid of swimming but one day he came with self-confidence and after that his fear is over and when fear turns into power then life changes. And there, once a person becomes a champion in swimming by working so hard, then we also get to learn a lot from such examples and such examples only motivate us so much that we also work hard in our life.

    To become a successful person one day and tell all those people who tell us that you can't do anything.


    Now the way people are afraid of different things in their life, I used to be very afraid of climbing a hill and it seemed that I would fall and die and this fear has lasted for almost 20 years of my life and then once I was planning to go tip with my friends to places like this where there were only hills and all that, I was too scared to go there and I never climbed a hill.

    So there were some good friends who did it and took me blindfolded to the top and that is the day and today is the day. I have never been afraid of the hill again. It happens in life and when it ends, then for the rest of the life we do not fear this thing, so it is better that we have to restore confidence in ourselves and respond to what people say and that.

    You have to completely remove your mind from what people will say when you like something or you are doing well, then don't listen to what people say at all. People can never be happy with you. Even if you end your life and give it to them, they will say that this person was not sincere with us. One should work day and night on it.


    Now as we all know that if you live in a middle class family then it is kind of impossible to fulfill the desire. This hobby could not be fulfilled till age because the price of the brother was above one lac and here in our country it is a dream of every young boy to have this bike because it is very powerful and the sound it makes.


    It's also very good, so we've been working hard in almost no crypto and everything else for eight years, so we've worked hard but we're not getting success, and then within 2020 years we've had success. We have started to meet and all the hard work we have done we have received in the form of success,

    But even then people were not happy with us, so it is better that we should always ignore people's words and work hard and be successful. If we have to go, then after that we have built our own house and bought a car, so these things are not tolerated by people, so it is better to stop contact with such people.


    Now the time has changed, earlier you had to do a lot of hard work to be successful, now you can be successful with smart work, the way success can also be achieved through blog chain technology, and here now we also see this. However, the gaming industry is also developing a lot, but if you have good gaming skills, you can work here too.


    The way the whole world keeps saying that once a person becomes fat, he can never lose weight again, but we have also seen many examples of people believing in themselves and making up their minds.

    So within six months he lost his weight and told people that nothing is difficult if a person has strong will then he will achieve all those things by working hard in work and life. The first thing to be successful is that the will of a person must be strong. When the will is strong and a regular person works, then things start to become much easier.


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