500,000 SPS New Milestone and The Future

in voilk •  3 months ago

    While some people are not happy about the game and it's level of value in terms of dollar value at the moment I have so say that I'm still pretty pleased with it. While sure I have some gripes of my own they simply don't help to fix the massive over inflation of Chaos that happened during the last bull run and it's going to take a lot from the team to try and work through that before we see gone through and start to see some values returned again.

    I'll go over my gripes further at the end of this article but right now I want to talk about the good things. Including a new milestone I just hit and my plans for the future of this game.

    500,000 SPS

    Now 500,000 might sound like a lot but it's actully pretty dang easy to pick it up yourself. With SPS being worth around $0.02 on average it's only going to cost you around $13,000 or less in order to accumulate that for yourself.

    For me though a vast majority of what I have is through earning but I have recently been buying. That's because I pretty much write it off as a minimal risk at the moment when you can buy it for 2 cent or less each. With some extra spare crypto I earn I've decided to dump it into SPS. In fact I just grabbed up another 8,000 today which helped me reach a little over half way for my goal.

    My goal is to hold 1 million SPS and while I might hold more later that's the first goal I'm pushing for. The main reason why is with current levels of SPS only 3,000 players can hold 1 million SPS and there's A LOT of people above me with multi millions so I'm by no means a bigwig around here anymore like I once was.

    I made some poor judgement callled in the last bull run. I honestly should have sold my keep for over $100,000 but at the time we were told land was coming soon. Then years later and I legit mean years later we finally got it and it's now been about 4 months since there's been any action at all on that front. These are the things that totally floor me right now about this company and how it's running. We seem so all over the damn place again that nothing is really getting accomplished and the company seems to constantly be treading water or so they say.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but Splinterlands the company earns 5% of the fees from pretty much all transactions and trades that happen. If I boot up the market for cards in the last 24 hours it's showing a total of $15,129 was done which would mean the company made $756.45 for the day. That's pretty dang sizeable and that's only cards.

    If you go to card rentals $1,231 for the day 5 percent of that is another $61.55 for the day but wait theirs more! You also have "other items" which are traded and those come in at another $5,009 in the last 24 hours or another $250.45 in profit. But wait there's even more! I wouldn't count this one as much though lol Splinterlands also earns 5% wax from all says which was 373 wax in the last 24 hours or 18.65 wax or like $2 so we can kind of write that one off for now.

    That means in the last 24 hours from just trading alone Splinterlands made $1,068.45. That's sizeable I believe and again that's just trading that doesn't even include pack sales or anything else like that which is going on.

    I'm really not sure why with a so called so transparent company that this things are not released and public more. It's seems a little fishy to me and that it's very possible that overspending is still happening for whatever reason which is only going to constantly bring down the value of assets in the game.

    So what's my next move?

    My next move is to continue to aggressively stack until I reach 1 million SPS at which time (most likely end of 2024 or early 2025 is the goal if not sooner) I'll make a choice to either continue to stack sps or start to sell it off.

    The main things are are going to improve SPS price is if more people are holding it and want to hold it in order to earn and vote in the game. If people are not holding it and there's not enough value in holding it well then there's not much it's going to do.

    People don't care too much about governance votes instead they care about things like staking SPS from wins in order to increase your prize multiplier now that was a smart move by the team.

    The not so smart move right now is the constant yet again slow progression of land. It was once again said in the town halls that once land 1.5 came out that 1.6 would follow soon behind it and then land 2.0 not too far from there. Instead we are now 4 months later and still zero progression from land 1.5.

    The sentiment around here is low and it honestly feels like there's constant push back to those who have invested, staked and continue to believe in the company and try and help out any way they possibly can. But us, we people can only do so much and it's up to the company.

    I also feel like we are spending way too much time on dumb proposals from the DAO and also that the DAO voting system if anything right now needs a overhaul to include more then a simply yes or no answer and instead allow for something more like a option A option B option C or option D.

    The main reason I didn't vote for for the DAO to pay the Splinterlands team for the bitcoin halving promo card is that for whatever reason they kept trying to push in their "assets" like land and decks worth $100,000 into it.

    To me this felt like a way to try and get paid for assets that are pretty much worthless right now because of the inaction in those areas such as land and because of the hyper inflation that no one wanted to fix sooner for whatever reason.

    The Gameplay

    I will have to say the one thing I do like is that the gameplay is a lot better. For a good year or longer I found myself stuck in bronze with a maxed out deck on all levels and yes stuck in bronze earning NOTHING. Thousands of dollars of cards that I legit couldn't do anything with is where I found myself for well over a year and I'm sure many others and that's why they left.

    That only resulted in constant prices dropping as players left, sold out or rented out their cards (like myself) to at least try and make a few dollars off of my assets.

    However with the recent changes I'm now finding myself once again in the ability to fight in diamond and maybe pushing for champs again which is where I used to be during the early phases of the bull run for Splinterlands.

    It was fun, I won some battles and I lost some battles and I earned decent rewards and new cards that kept me active, trading and doing a lot within the game including buying up more assets like land.

    It only feels like now we are starting to get back to that however there's major negatives now include how players and investors feel they were treated in the past and how everything is just massively overinflated to the point of we need to burn a shit ton of assets.

    The issue is Idk if those other accounts are going to burn any of those assets and is why I rejected the paying the Splinterlands team.

    I simply was not willing to fork over $100,000 to pay for prizes from Splinterlands to put on the table to be won. I didn't feel we would burn through $100,000 worth of assets and instead just inflate things yet again. I hope I'm wrong but in about two or three weeks we will find out.

    To be fair I actully feel like a lot is riding on the burn event. It's either going to go really well and start helping prices and activity because of those prices again or it's going to fail hard and really leave this game struggling as players are simply not active or just have no demand for new cards like they once did because why... The value is gone.

    Anyways that's a bit of a rant this time but as a player since Alpha I wanted to voice my own stand point and views on things. To tell a little bit about my story. Everyone's story is going to be different with unique variables and however they feel about the game, team and their assets they are allowed to feel that way.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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