It's Hive Power-Up Day! for April 2024 (+Hive Goals Post)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Well here we are again: another Hive Power-Up Day. Or is it! With April Fools, you can never quite be sure which it is. Well, whatever day it is, I’m powering up today! Since this HPUD also happens to fall on a Monday, which is when I typically do my Hive Goals post, I’ll include that info here too.

    I powered-up 200 today. Again down of where I’d like to be, but it’s something. If BTC keeps spiking up, I may have much more to put in in the future. Let’s hope!

    At any rate, I’ve also been powering up 10 HIVE everyday, so that is actually 310 last month, or 510 today if I add that together. I’d really like to get back to my 1000 power-ups, but 500 isn’t bad.

    Growing stronger!! Soon to be a whale!!

    Now on to the #myhivegoals section of this post.

    Last week I made 210.04, which when added to my 200 HIVE power-up today, brings me to 25,331.09 total Hive Power. My goal of 35k is getting closer!

    Math time. 35k - 25,331.09 gives us 9668.91. Divided out by the days till the first of next year, we get 35.2 Hive needed per day to reach 35k by that point. That’s down from last week—a good sign!

    BRO & PIMP

    Last week I bought and earned 0.206, which puts me at 529.36 total or 52.9% of my goal.

    I made 1299.6 PIMP last week, putting me at 74052.69 — 74.1% of my goal.

    And I bought and earned 655.923, putting me at 91554.268 there.


    The silver chart for last week:

    You can see it ended more or less where it started. Hmm.. does it make sense to buy silver right now anyway? Or should we focus on the incoming crypto bull run, then move back to precious metals when we hit the top? What do you all think?

    Here is a good looking coin that I came across today:

    Ok, we all know this one. It’s a copy of the great Peace Dollar design. From this photo it doesn’t look like the detail is quite as nice as what you would be from the new US Mint copies, (then again, that could just be the photo), but can’t beat the price. Look here if interested in picking it up.


    That stuff out of the way, let’s do our SBI drawing! If you are new here, I give away 5 shares of SBI every week to commenters on this post. If you also reblog and comment you get a second entry and double the award (if you win).

    So how about this week? Let’s see… last post we had comments from @bitcoinman [x2] @daethical [x2] @dewabrata @djbravo @geneeverett @hiro.guita [x2] @kerrislravenhill @memess @oasiskp2 [x2] @pardinus @rafzat @shawnnft @silverd510 @silversaver888 @stekene [x2] @thebighigg @vikbuddy @zacherybinx.

    And the winners are…

    @djbravo @stekene [x2] @bitcoinman [x2] @vikbuddy @daethical [x2]!

    Congratulations, everyone!

    By the way, if you want to join in the fun for HPUD, you still have 23 hours or so to do it. Hurry!

    Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at Write him on Twitter or Mastodon.
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