Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Merging the Last Stand Effect with the Earthquake Ruleset

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Greetings to all and sundry on this great platform, I welcome you all to my blog and today I write to participate in this week's battle mage secrets weekly challenge. I am very happy to be part of the Splinterlands family. I hope that you guys would like my entry. Without much ado, I would like to go straight to the purpose of this post. Today, the battle ruleset is "EARTHQUAKE" and I would submit my entry to that here in this post including a video of my battle.

    I designed this using canva


    Per the ruleset of the game, Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round. I used my account @abu78 to participate in this battle. I am currently playing in the Silver league of the Wild Format. Before I demonstrate the battle here, let's briefly look into the Ruleset of the game.



    Ruleset IconDescription
    Using monsters with Flying or Heal is the trick for this ruleset, but if you are unable to choose such monsters, use monsters that have high HP and high damage. Don't keep heal units up front. Shield has a very important role. Using Brighton Bloom as a summoner can help in this ruleset. Keep monsters with Flying in the last positions when the Earthquake has done enough damage to both sides.
    Spreading the Fury
    Increase Melee attack and Speed when damaged. Values are multiplied by 1.5 and rounded up. Prefer Melee monsters with Sneak, and Opportunity in the back row.

    My Opponent's Team Line-up



    My Team's Line-Up




    I chose the "SCARRED LLAMA MAGE summoner". It was a 34-mana game condition and I had to manage my card selection to suit that. I chose the Scarred Llama Mage summoner so that my monsters would have an increase in health by two and also affect my monsters with the last stand ability. It also cleanses any negative effects inflicted on my monsters. My team lineup comprised the following; Fungus Fiend, Vampire Bat, Endless Ape, Fungus Flinger, Kron the Uudying, and Venari Marksrat.

    1st Position:

    Fungus FIend, this card has no special ability. It is a 0-mana monster with a speed of 1, 1 melee attack damage, and 2 health with 0 armor protection.

    Round 1:

    First of all monsters took their effect from the summoner by 2 extra health and also gave the last stand ability to all my monsters. My opponent's lineup comprised six monsters including the Baakjira, Torrent Fiend, Deeplurker, Venari Marksrat, Pelacor Bandit, and Kulu Mastermind.

    In the first round, the Kulu Mastermind monster with the highest speed attacked the first-position monster in my lineup and eliminated that. After which the Flying Bandit and Deeplurker attacked my last-positioned monster. After subsequent attacks from both ends, the round came to an end and I was left with five monsters.

    Round 2:

    In this round, the Kulu Mastermind monster attacked first with a melee attack and eliminated the Vampire bat monster at a go.

    The Earthquake ability eliminated the Venari Marksrat monster after which my Kron the Undying monster gained increased in all stats. At the end of the round, I was left with three monsters and my opponent was still having all six monsters intact.

    Round 3:

    In this round, the Kulu Mastermind monster attacked first and made 5 damage to my Kron the Undying monster after which Deeplurker monster also attacked it and it was left with just one health.

    Kron the Undying monster also attacked and eliminated the Torrent Fiend monster in my opponent's lineup after which Endless Ape also attacked and eliminated the Deeplurker monster.

    Round 4 to 6:
    In this round, Kron the Undying monster was eliminated by the Kulu Mastermind monster, and with Endless Ape being the only monster left in my lineup, the Last Stand Effect took place and it increased in all stats having a melee damage of 8.

    The Endless Ape was able to take down the two monsters left in my opponent's lineup at the end of the sixth round and I emerged victorious.

    This was how my battle went and I won it with ease. I think the selection of my cards especially going in with magic cards was a great idea.

    Thank you all for your time and attention for going through my post. A link to my battle is provided here Battle Link

    All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards


    I designed this using canva

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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