Setting Up and Using Ecency Chat!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    You may or may not be aware that a great new feature has been added to Ecency and Hive! Ecency Chat. I have been testing it when it was in beta and was impressed to see this feature come to Ecency and when it was fully released, it has not disappointed.

    You may notice the unobtrusive bar at the bottom of the screen when you log in now. You can click it and it gives you the option to register.

    From here, you can import your previous account if you had one or create a new one.

    To setup a new chat account, you just need to enter a new 8 digit pin and click Create chat account.

    With that setup, you are now ready to start some conversations. To do that, you can search for a Hive user that you know and type in their account name. The nice thing about Hive, is that the accounts are with names and not just a wallet address, so finding your friends is easy.

    Here you can see that I am searching for my own account.

    You can then send some messages directly. Here you can see a short overview of my profile and the message sent. When I checked the message was sent and received very quickly and seemed to work seemlessly.

    There is also the option of an extended view to see all your chats and chat with a bigger screen.

    The option for a small and large window for chatting is pretty cool.

    As with any chat service, an important feature is to add pictures or emoticons. This is of course available and you can share images from your gallery or upload new ones. These are the standard features that you would expect from a chat and Ecency Chat has them.

    Backing Up and Saving Your Credentials

    An important thing to do is to save your account pin and key somewhere safe for your chat account. This is what keeps your chats secure and private, something we don't have with Whatsapp and co.

    If you press the other option, credentials info, you can then enter the pin you set and then see and save your account information.

    This means you have the power over your chat account and can control who can view and see your messages. This is far better than you get on Whatsapp or other chats where you have no privacy.

    To export, press the download button to export the stats or copy and save them individually.


    Overall it looks a pretty good addition to Ecency and Hive. It gives us the chance to communicate on chain instead of some places like discord. However, I would like to be able to use it with the Ecency App as then it would have much more useability and be more powerful to give you access to your chats on the go and basically everywhere, similar to discord.

    I don't see it replacing discord yet for group chats, but it is a great step in this direction and is a great feature that I hope to use more of in the future.

    Have you used Ecency Chat yet?

    mypathtofire divider.jpg


    Title image created with clipart and images by monsterztudio from Canvapro license.

    All screenshots taken from

    mypathtofire divider.jpg

    Let's connect : mypathtofire

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