A Furparent's Love

in voilk •  4 months ago

    "A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his." — Josh Grogan (author, “Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog”)


    I know some of us here are animal lover, may this blog will touches your heart especially if you've been in love to a dog and make you as a whole person.

    It's Blue again! Sharing you all my 4th blog as a fur parent. I have 2 dogs but for this blog, I will share about everything to my dog named Russia, who just passed away on the midnight of March 25.

    Russia, yes! It is a country. She was given to me during the war of 2 country which is Russia and Ukraine. I named her to a country who's intention is not really good and gives us a lot chills or worrries. But despite of those speculation I want to put it my mind that "there's still always a good side in every evil side" and there's a HOPE, that everything will be alright. That's why Russia, is an ultimate reminder for me, to be a good person and a human being.


    She's so small, and the cutest of all.Russia physical appearance will make you eager to pinch her or hug her. Small dog with a chubby body. Her combination or the pattern of her color where it place, really suits her whole cuteness.

    Russia, is one of the the friendliest dog I've ever had. She's too shy to every person that is close to me, she might not stare or share a little bit of glance at you and she will just hide to me or a place where she can put herself at ease. Eventually if she feels comfortable to a person, she will come to you automatically play with you. She likes to be patted a lot, then she will lay down and please you to rub her belly. If she is satisfied, she will sit and gives you a wide a smile.


    I don't know but it makes me really fell in love to her.

    I remember the first day that I held her, I feel so astonished and warmed to carry a little one. At first, my parents was shocked and said "again, another dog!" They were afraid and hesitated at all, but hours later- they carry her and talk as if their child. That's the power of my dear Russia!

    My father was the one who really bathe her and feed her. My mother was the one who call for her to eat, to behave, and trained. My nieces and nephews always played with her and patted a lot. My heart is really happy everytime I get to see them together.

    She's small but I can't carry her for too long because she 's to heavy, still, she's so playful. Every time I have a free time and it will be my day off (way back when I was working as a call center agent), she already knew it because I will sit beside her and give her a glance of "wanna walk or play?", then she will smile back at me, sit and wait for me to put the leash to her body. The smile and her wiggled tails makes me flattered because of how excited she is.


    At first, she will run fast that makes me run to and shocked me for a moment. While, we're walking she's just calm while sniffing, every stray dog will just stare at her, and because of her attitude we haven't experience any attacks.

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    We'll going the playground and we run like as if it last. After our playful moment, we walked slowly going back to our house with a big smile in our faces while catching our breathe. If we got home she has still this energy to run fast and be at our house first, because she's waiting for my mother to say *" you're so happy Russia that you get a long with your mom" * with tongue's out, a smirk in her eyes and with a big smile.

    I can't really imagine my life without a pet or without her.


    But things aren't really good in our hands -- I lost her.

    March 24, was the last day that we're able to play, touch, and feed you. You're truly fine that night and you are happy everytime we drink outside our house because you'll get along with us. While we're having fun in talking and drinking you're just there sitting or lying then fell asleep. We're done and it's our routine to say good night to her and pat for a minute.

    Fast forward, my brother woke me up aggresively and kept repeating my name, I respond and hear what he said "Russia is not moving, she's dead!"I run immediately and get you, rubbing you, waking you up and pumping your chest while I'm in tears. I just kept repeating it while calling your name, but it's the end. You never respond. We are awake and rooting for you to wake up. You left us unwanted, and we're not prepared. I took the moment to hug, hold and touch you while saying lots of words for you. While everyone is sleeping we're busy to find a place where you can rest. I dugged my heart out while crying, still you're so heavy. I can't reall keep myself up because of how painful it for me to bury you and say goodbye forever.

    When I'm calm, i'd recall and saw it in your mouth, a bubbly white vomit. I remember that if you saw it in your dog's mouth she was poisoned. Then that was the time I started to fell angry and curious who did it, we don't have CCTV in our area and we can't predict who's responsible the cause of your death. I'm just crying and fell asleep.

    Woke up and felt so heavy. There'a no bark anymore and no feeding moment. Although it's hard for me to accept to lost someone I love again, I need to accept it, but as of now I can't. Time wil tell. Her lost is my biggest pain this year, I'd already told to myself that " Please, no more for this year" because in 2022, I lost my grandpa and in 2023 I lost my father.


    My sweetest Russia, I will always love and will always miss you. I will never forget you and you will always have a space in my heart. If I will have a dog again, I hope it is a version of you.

    Run free Russia....

    "Before you get a dog, you can't quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can't imagine living any other way." — Caroline Knapp (columnist)

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