The widespread case of arthritis and its types.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In the spirit of celebrating women this week, I will be shedding light on a topic that affects a larger population of women more than men. I am writing about Arthritis, which is an inflammation of the joints. These joints are where the bone meets like the knee and the elbow.

    Arthritis is widespread, and it comes in different forms, with different reasons behind its occurrence and its treatment. Each type of arthritis comes with its symptoms but the general ones are; heat, pain, redness, and swelling of the joints.


    Some joints will wear down naturally with age, and some types of arthritis will cause damage to a joint. Arthritis can affect any joint but is more common in the; knees, feet and ankles, shoulders, hands and wrists, lower back, hips, and shoulders.

    Arthritis has over 100 types, but the most common types are few, however, all these types can be categorized into various segments, let me point them out briefly before we get to talking about some of the types.

    Inflammatory Arthritis: Inflammation happens normally when the body is healing. It is a form of defense against bacteria or viruses or a form of response to injuries.
    Inflammatory arthritis can affect different joints and these inflammations could destroy both joint surface and underlying bone.

    Connective Tissue Disease: CTD has to do with inflammation and joint pain. Affecting tissues, muscles, skin, lungs, and kidneys. May involve various symptoms apart from painful joints.

    Septic Arthritis: This form of arthritis is a joint inflammation that happens due to fungal or bacterial infection, it is rather a rapid joint infection that could result in fatal destruction.

    Degenerative Arthritis: This refers to a group of conditions that involves major damage to the cartilage covering the end of the bones.

    Infectious Arthritis: When bacteria, fungi, or viruses enter into a joint, it could result in inflammation which could be treated with antibiotics, but could become chronic when the infection has persisted for a long time.

    Childhood Arthritis: Just like the name implies, it affects children and when it affects children, they often is no cure causing permanent damage to the joint.

    Here are some typical examples;

    • Rheumatoid Arthritis happens when the immune system accidentally damages the joints.

    • Ankylosing Spondylitis: This is when arthritis affects the joint close to the lower back.

    • Psoriatic Arthritis: This form of arthritis affects people with psoriasis.

    • Gout: This type of arthritis causes sharp uric acid crystals to form in your joints. Gout could be developed if you have excessive uric acid in the blood.

    • Osteoarthritis: This is the most common type of arthritis which is common amongst older people. This type happens by age naturally, due to a lifetime of using the joints which will wear down eventually.

    • Juvenile Arthritis: This form of arthritis affects kids and teenagers especially those who are younger than the age of 16.
      Depending on the nature of arthritis that you have, it could break down the natural tissue in your joints or lead to inflammation.

    Anyone can develop arthritis, but certain factors could make it worse;

    • If you have a biological family member with arthritis, there is a high possibility that you will have it as well.

    • You are naturally born female.

    • Smoking and using other tobacco products will also increase your chances.

    • You are above 50 years of age.

    • The presence of autoimmune diseases, obesity, and other conditions that affect the joints increases your chances of developing arthritis.

    • Athletes, especially those who play contact sports.

    • If you are not active physically, there is a stronger chance that you could get arthritis.

    Arthritis can either develop gradually or suddenly, and most often a chronic disease that either persists or goes away over time. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is necessary to pay your doctor an immediate visit. Pain, stiffness, swelling, difficulty with moving a joint.

    Available treatments for arthritis are to help minimize joint damage, control pain and improve and sustain the quality of life. Available medications and lifestyle changes could help make this attainable and prevent the joint from further damage.

    Medications such as; analgesics, counterirritants, biologics, and corticosteroids are used. Natural remedies such as the consumption of a balanced healthful diet, appropriate exercising, and avoiding excessive alcohol intake are very important and helpful too.

    Depending on the type of arthritis, surgery could be an option and different surgical treatments may be recommended whenever neccessary. A more severe arthritis case particularly affects the arms or hands, and this could make it difficult for you to carry out daily tasks.


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