There was a drugged bear and there was a drunk pilot.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Every time I play this game thinking I'd progress in the story, I end up fighting the cultists here and there. I hardly got chance to kill the drugged bear this time which was hiding inside a cave and it was a different experience. I'm going to talk about that experience along with some others today.

    I was riding the fighter chopper towards the cave to hunt the bear but I got engaged with the cultists who blocked the road there though I was flying and I could ignore them. And when I was done with those cultists, there came an enemy chopper from where, other cultists were shooting at me so I destroyed that chopper.

    Then I roamed around for sometimes to teach the cultists around some lesson which damaged my chopper hard.

    I went back to the Hope County Jail to get another fighter chopper but it was unavailable as I used it too many times already, so I took the passenger chopper instead and I reached the cave taking a hired fighter with me.

    After going inside, I noticed a dead body there and as soon as we entered, the bear attacked us and it killed my hired fighter first. This whole cave was full of the drug and it looked like I was hallucinating the bear as there was not one. One after one kept coming when I kept shooting them.

    Their eyes were scarry and suddenly, there came around 3-4 bears at once which spooked me. After shooting 1-2, I ran outside to save own ass first.

    It looked like there was this original bear among the others and it followed me outside and tried to harm me. I kept running away from it and I used a shotgun to take it down.

    When I was done fighting the bear, there came a wild cougar to hunt me down and I hunted it down instead when the corpse of the bear was beside us.

    Look, the bear was dead but its eyes were still glowing. I didn't know the drug can do that to the eyes. Then I went inside the cave again to see if there's anything else but I found nothing bug the drugs.

    Do you remember this place? It was the film set where I came and helped the director before and it looks like they successfully dug through the cave.

    After going inside, I was surprised seeing all these lightings and equipment's. There was this skeleton of a dinosaur as well and it looked like its a film set as well but there were no one around. Maybe they took break as it was nighttime.

    Coming out of the set, I noticed there were some shootings a far where someone was shooting at an aircraft and I was going there to see if the aircraft was a victim of the cultists or not.

    But when I went there, I was getting shot heavily and I only had the shotgun with me and you know, shotguns doesn't have good range but still I tried to shoot it down though nothing happened.

    The sun rose up me trying to get the aircraft down and I noticed a cultist having that rocket launcher at a far and I got it after taking him down.

    I was succeeded in taking down the aircraft with one chance this time but it looked like the aircraft was about to fall on me but fortunately, my character was saved.

    Then I was roaming around again to save innocent peoples and I had a fighter with me who was riding the car. And I found a gun dealer suddenly and I bought a machine gun from her along with a good scope and a suppressor.

    I had a lot confidence having this machine gun now and I started taking down all the cultists that I was seeing. That's when I noticed that chopper of the cultists. I was about to take it down but suddenly the game froze and I had to quit the game.

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