Cuéntame una historia 19 de marzo / La noche en la autopista (spanish-english)

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Su madre le advirtió que podía ser peligroso tomar la autopista del centro cuando ya empezaba a oscurecer. Pero Pamela no la escuchó. Ella y su amiga Lala querían llegar al concierto que esa noche daba Gustavo Cerati en el campus de la Universidad Simón Bolívar. Las dos eran fans de Cerati y el tío que iba a llevarlas se enfermó, tenía una gripe muy fuerte. Por nada del mundo iban a perderse el concierto. Finalmente su madre le dio la llave del automóvil.

    Mientras iban por la autopista las dos jóvenes amigas escuchaban “Bocanada” e iban cantando emocionadas. Iban a escuchar a su cantante favorito, Gustavo Cerati. -Qué emoción Lala, vamos al concierto de Cerati, no me lo puedo creer. -Así es, amiga. Ya estamos llegando a Caracas. Apenas termine el concierto nos regresamos a Valencia. Aunque no me gusta mucho manejar de noche, ¿adónde nos podríamos quedar? Los amigos que tenía en Caracas se han ido del país.

    Las dos amigas disfrutaron cada minuto del concierto de Cerati. Ni ellas ni ninguna otra persona del público sabían que ese sería el último concierto del cantante argentino. El propio cantante no lo sabía. Mientras caminaban hacia el estacionamiento el cantante se desmayó y ya nunca volvería a recuperar la consciencia. Las chicas estaban muy felices.

    Las jóvenes ya habían pasado el cartel del restaurant que indicaba la cercanía de su ciudad cuando escucharon la detonación, parecía que uno de los cauchos del automóvil se había roto con algún vidrio o alguna otra cosa que había en la autopista. Intentaron seguir. Se miraron y pensaron lo mismo, era peligroso detenerse en medio de la oscuridad. Sonó la segunda detonación. Otro de los cauchos se había dañado. Tuvieron que detenerse. Lala llamó a su padre para pedirle ayuda, el de Pamela había muerto algunos años atrás.

    Cuando el señor Pedro llegó al lugar que le había indicado su hija, junto a su hijo Jesús, cerca del cartel del restaurant, no había nadie, sólo oscuridad y silencio. Tuvo un mal presentimiento. Llamó a la policía. Media hora antes, unos hombres armados se habían llevado a su hija y a su amiga y el carro donde venían. Les dieron un rápido tiro de gracia y las lanzaron al cesto de basura del restaurant, donde las encontró al día siguiente uno de los jóvenes del camión que recogía la basura. Al igual que su amado cantante, ya no volverían a recuperar la consciencia.

    Beatriz Alicia García N.


    Contenido original especialmente escrito para el concurso “Cuéntame una historia”, convocado por la comunidad @freewritehouse el 19 de marzo.




    Her mother warned her that it could be dangerous to take the highway downtown when it was already getting dark. But Pamela did not listen to her. She and her friend Lala wanted to get to the concert Gustavo Cerati was giving that night at the Simon Bolivar University campus. They were both Cerati fans and the guy who was going to take them was sick, he had a very bad flu. There was no way they were going to miss the concert. Finally their mother gave him the key to the car.

    As they were driving along the highway, the two young friends listened to "Bocanada" and were excitedly singing along. They were going to listen to their favorite singer, Gustavo Cerati. -What a thrill Lala, we are going to Cerati's concert, I can't believe it. -That's right, my friend. We are already arriving in Caracas. As soon as the concert is over we are going back to Valencia. Although I don't like to drive at night, where could we stay? The friends I had at Caracas have left the country.

    The two friends enjoyed every minute of Cerati's concert. Neither they nor anyone else in the audience knew that this would be the last concert of the Argentine singer. The singer himself did not know it. As they were walking to the parking lot the singer fainted and would not regain consciousness. The girls were very happy.

    The young women had already passed the restaurant sign indicating the proximity of their town when they heard the detonation, it seemed that one of the tires of the car had been broken by some glass or something else on the highway. They tried to continue. They looked at each other and thought the same thing, it was dangerous to stop in the middle of the darkness. The second detonation sounded. Another of the tires had been damaged. They had to stop. Lala called her father to ask for his help, Pamela's father had died some years before.

    When Mr. Pedro arrived at the place his daughter had indicated, next to his son Jesús, near the restaurant's sign, there was no one there, only darkness and silence. He had a bad feeling. He called the police. Half an hour before, armed men had taken her daughter and her friend and the car they had come in. They were quickly shot to death and thrown into the restaurant's trash bin, where they were found the next day by one of the young men in the garbage truck. Like their beloved singer, Gustavo Cerati, they would never regain consciousness again.

    Beatriz Alicia García N.


    Original content specially written for the "Tell me a story" contest, called by the @freewritershouse community on March 19.


    Translation to english by

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