The Big Bad Effects Of Intense Hot Weather

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Most of the place here in our Country already suffers intense heat due to summer season. As for that many plants and trees are already affected not only of trees and plants, but also of mushrooms and other fungi plants grows in the place were there is an intense heat. For today's blog, I will show to all of you the big bad effects of hot weather here in our country. I will also share the descriptions of each Mushroom I found during my photo hunt activities while ago.

    Because of the intense heat happens here in our Country, some of the land are already have cracks and the wild plants and grass are already dried and withered. Mushrooms are also been damage because of the situations. The first mushroom photo I want to share is what we called, Ax mushroom. We called it by in local name because of the leaves shapes just like an ax. Mushroom called by its different kinds of names depends on the place were it grows. It contains whitish color on the tip of its leaves and brownish color at the middle of its surfaces.


    This is one of the example of the intense heat happens here in our place. The leaves and surface of this mushroom are started to withered and contains lots of holes and a dust particles. The leaves were already near falled down and lots of insects entered at the middle of its leaves. This was once an elephant mushrooms and it grows at the rotten coconut trees and Germilina trees. There are tiny brown and black dots on the leaves surface and the roots are nearly removed on the big trees were it grows.


    This mushroom is also near withered and dried because of the heat. It is very common here and it grows in different kinds of big trees just like Manggoe and Coconut trees. Some of this kind are already damage because of the heat. It can't survived of intense heat and the leaves will burned out and dried. Sometimes it grows in the ash materials or burned trees. It grows bigger and wider depends on climate of the areas. It contains whitish colors with brown line marks on the tip of the leaves. Many insects just like red ants and Centipedes lives under this mushroom plants.


    This plants already have many holes and cracks on its leaves. Some dust particles has already on its leaves. This is kind of mushroom that is perfect for decorations and it has a rough and thick surfaces of its leaves. It grows bigger and wider and bigger and sometimes it grows in a pile style.



    Mushroom have a great and big role in the Nature, some of this are it keeps the balance of ecosystems and prevent the place of getting intense hot. Insects will have their homes and make us more attractive to all mushroom. All of this cannot be eaten but it is still worth it because of its beautiful designs, colors and characteristics. Some of the mushrooms I found here in the place are already dried and withered and some of it are already vanished. I hope, it will grow the time when there is a heavy rain happens here in our place.

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