Battle Mage Secret - Shield Reflection Missing - Explosive Weaponry

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Happy end of the week my friends,

    I had an intense week. I don't know about you, but the stress level is not diminishing at all. Splinterlands arena is like one of my favorite space to blow steam off after a heavy day at work.

    Here is my selection of a unique combat, just for regular readers of my article.

    In the arena this fight displays the confrontation of two giant summoners in the game.

    May the best team win

    Battle Ruleset:

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    Earthquake: Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.

    Explosive Weaponry: All Monsters have the Blast ability.

    Rise of the Commons: Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.



    Lux was the summoner of choice from both teams in the arena. You can feel the intensity on the battlefield as each fighter empowered by Vegas causes serious damage to the other side

    • Winner Team

    Lux Vega Lv4
    Drybone BarbarianCorsair Bosun
    War PegasusTime Mage
    Venari CrystalsmithPelacor Arbalest

    The blast effect on the second team in line was not a joke. Archer in the arena did not go into the fight with limitation. The gloves were off since the beginning.

    Warriors with the reflection shield had the key of this battle in his pocket.


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    • Team Surviving the heat


    Lux Vega Lv4Arkemis the BearImperial Knight
    Venari CrystalsmithTime Mage
    Supply RunnerPelacor Arbalest

    Archer, melee and magic cards provided enough firepower to annihilate any silver level cards in one round. I could not believe that one side decided to enter the arena with no reflector shield.

    When you play at such level of difficulties this small absence in the lineup can create a lot of destruction during the battle.

    • Battle Plan

    Earthquake added a second layers of difficulty after the blast element in the arena. I saw the presence of magic warrior in the lineup which is a good choice. I would have added a Martyr equipped fighter on the side to assure the boost of adjacent warriors. Furthermore, I was interesting to put the reflector shield unlock fighter next to the main fighter. The plan was to cause enough damage to the opposition before the earthquake destroys completely any remaining defense.

    • What happens in the arena?

    The summoner on both party was the same. The fact that Lux Vega at level four was in the arena gives an edge to all fighters in the arena. The reflector shield in the opposite side gave the advantage to life fighters in competition.
    All second impact from the other side did not change the status of Bosun. While on the other side, the second fighter in line was suffering terrible damage.

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