in voilk •  4 months ago

    Recently, I've been feeling something is missing from my life, but for some reason, it's difficult to point out what truly is missing. It's like a void right now as though something was once there. I look back at some of the things I did in the past, at those times I felt on top of the world and I wonder what brought me down from my high horse. I remember the times I was guided strictly by the principles that constituted every part of my life, now I've grown soft, and can no longer stand by the decisions I would have stood by in those times. It feels like something is broken in me and I can't tell what it is or when it broke.

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    Then I was so strict, my yes and my no could never be changed by anyone. One time I decided to do something my mother was against, and my entire family begged me to change my mind and see reasons with them, but I had made a decision and for me, there was no going back. That day my mum knelt down to beg me hoping that I would change my mind if I saw her on her knees, but instead, I went on my knees too to beg her not to beg me. I wasn't violent, but I was strong-hearted and it made my family take my decisions seriously. Now I tend to make mistakes with every decision I take, I've become indecisive and I don't like it.

    The IT period of my life turned out to be when I just dropped out of school. My will was the climax of everything, my decisions were always on target, I was organized both physically and mentally, and I was intentional with everything I did, from my spiritual activities and my hygiene. It was during that period I made a decision that nearly killed me but I stood by it until the end. I decided I was never going to take drugs, and when I became sick, I told myself I would rather die than take medications. I went like that for more than 6 years before I finally broke my own oath because for some reason I do not know, I can not find the strength to continue.

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    Now I feel weak when I make certain decisions especially because I would never have agreed to them a few years back. I was not enticed by anything anyone had to offer, my boss then was even envious of my attitude especially how I was so direct. After The period I dropped out my parents wanted to get a job, but I knew a job wasn't what I needed although it was what the family needed, but I chose my future over everything. I wanted to learn a skill before a job, and to date, it was one of the best decisions I made even though my dad was angry with me for a year, and my mum was always bitter with me. Today they enjoy the fruits the skills have yielded and sometimes I wonder how my life would have been if I didn't make those decisions.

    I also remember it was during that period I turned down an offer to impersonate a man bearing my name and surname even after I was promised $10,000,000 from his total net worth by the bank officials planning to claim his wealth because he had died without any wife, child, or relative. My beliefs were everything to me then and they guided my thoughts and decisions. Life was clearer to me so I could see from every angle and never made costly mistakes. But now it's all changed and I look back wishing I had even a bit of such heart again


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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