Cycling to watch the clouds and sunset by the river.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Life has become very busy and quite hectic for me. I had to catch up with a long list of things to do around the house and garden. I wished I could rent three intelligent robots to help me trimming trees and cutting big branches. I could never have known in advance that these forest trees whose seeds came with the soil count grow up to thirty meters high. They needed to be trimmed down to let sunshine in. Then the roof at the veranda needed fixing as there was a big leak. The solar lamp also needed to be replaced. The list went on to two pages!



    After feeding the cat and check whether she still had a faint fever, I decided to give her another dose of my home made CDS. This stuff worked like magic for my cats’ fever and big open wound in the past. It also saved me from having to go to hospital and take toxic medicine. My gardener has become hooked on this as her health has become much improved. I finally got around to cleaning the hanging fan and the top of my wardrobes. So, I had more space to store my bags of duvets and winter clothes.



    I might have to get one more storage shelf unit to get things more organised. Perhaps a small wardrobe would be needed for stacking boxes of surplus materials. Somehow I had the feeling that I shouldn’t throw old clothes (but rarely worn) away as I might need these during the war-time phase. Yup! I have begun the mode of preparation for a big ‘war’ in the near future. Many things would become scarce and I ought to have things for bartering too. The WEF’s recommended that a person only needed three new shirts or clothes per year. So, I should have some extra shirts to donate to those without a decent shirt in the future! That’s a good way to make friends and gain protection, I hoped.



    My mind had been very troubled by the fighting between my psychic unconscious and my overly logical conscious self. But all the warning signs have become very clear to me now. It’s time to make a move in the right direction to preserve good health and survival. I wished I had a community of like minded people around me. But most of my friends have enjoyed living very comfortable lifestyles in the city where money could buy almost everything. It required very different mindset with a leaning towards spirituality, otherwise the persons wouldn’t be able to endure future hardship.



    I was quite exhausted by the day’s work so I had to reward myself with some quiet time by the river. I also bought an ice cream to be enjoyed by the riverside. The ice cream was not that good as it wasn’t the usual homemade coconut ice cream. I would make sure I had a nice coconut ice cream next week. The cycle ride to the riverfront was always very refreshing as the dirt road was still very green without big tall buildings or condos. But things might change in the distant future. After the ‘war’ and period of intense depopulation (with more lethal plandemic via Chemtrails), there wouldn’t be high demand for real estates or consumer goods and services. The estimate for our country (by DARPA’s think tank) indicated that we would be reduced to around 20 millions Thai people (the population statistics showed about 65 millions in this period).


    There seemed to be two realities at the river: the left and right sides looked very different!)


    That’s why Tesla estimated that billions of robots would be needed in the future. All farmers would be replaced by robots and AI automation. The ‘Brave New World’ by the Great Reset of the WEF would be busy managing the ‘One World Government’. It’s too late for me to apply for a position within the company. They didn’t like cats, so I just ignored them. If they had cats as their logos or mascots, I would have to reconsider my position.🙀🐈



    The sky was quite foreboding to me with some sad vibes in the air. I prayed quietly and tried to gain the messages hidden in the water molecules in those clouds. Water has memories and gathered information along its journey. These molecules also transferred memories to others so it’s just like the water internet. I just had to be receptive enough to read these codes messages. The reflections on the sky on the water were quite interesting. Though there’s sadness and bad stories in those clouds, the setting sun was telling me to be hopeful as bad things would also pass.



    So, it’s so important to me to maintain a level of spirituality and meditative mind in order to survive the avalanche of strong disturbing vibes around the world. So much sorrow and suffering were registered by the clouds moving above the Middle East. The healing vibes of Mother Nature has been working flat out to guide and heal the departing souls. The horrific occurrences were beyond humanly understanding, yet people had been committing untold atrocities since thousands of years ago. They still made the same mistakes and so empires would come and disappear in due course.



    I wish my friends would start to contemplate and meditate about life and its uncertainty. I was afraid they would have the shock of their lives when the rock hit the fan. Being millionaires wouldn’t guarantee their survival or sanity in difficult times. They thought money could solve all problems so they were very complacent. Only one old friend began to feel the same way as I did, but it’s hard to convince the whole family to think about preparing for war time. The sunset told me to keep myself steady and to persevere.


    My neighbours’ house had a nice view of the river.


    I had to get on with packing up and planning to move to the countryside on a permanent basis which was tough undertaking for me. My mind still wanted to hold to my comfort zone and wanting to forget all about the bad news. The river always change according to the demand of external forces but the river still remain calm and nourishing to those along its journey. I should pray and meditate more often to keep a peaceful heart and calming mind.


    Their garden always have colourful flowers.


    Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

    Stay strong and cheerful.

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