Bring the 60s Back

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Everyone, Namaste 🙏😊


    How are you doing? Our generation has seen a drastic change in everything we see around us . Whether it's technology, lifestyle, education, human behaviour, environment, modernization etc things have advanced too an extreme extant in the past 3-4 decades. Now we have soo many options for choices around us, which is convenient as well as at the ease of our fingure tips.

    However, if we go back to the era of late 1950s or 60s, the lives of people were very peaceful and compassionate. Without any technology or modern means of entertainment they used to live happily and spend quality time with each other. However in today's fast paced life we hardly have time to spend with our loved ones. Also the quality of life became a bit complicated and competitive at the same time. We humans have become soo much dependent on technology and now we can't imagine our lives without these modern gadgets especially these smartphones. I am not totally against smartphones but the way these are taking control of our lives is totally excessive. This excessive addiction and the time we spent in virtual world is increasing at an alarming rate. This is also taking us away from relationships, enjoying little things, spending quality time with family, taking care of health and many other things we had lost track to how we used to live happily in earlier also.


    In simple terms, we can't even a single day without internet, smartphones, social media etc. Moreover can we imagine our entire day without electricity. I have been raised as a kid in small village where we hadn't had access to many facilities. I have seen the phase of Landline Telephones, Keypad phones and internet facility was used to be luxury back than. We used to get electricity for 8-10 hrs daily, the majority of our time spent on recreational activities, we used to spend quality time outdoors. But if we look around at today's kids, they prefer indoor activities more than outdoors. Majority of them will prefer electronic gadgets over physical games. This is not there fault entirely because they only follow what they see around them. The grown ups around them are also dependent on electronics soo much then how we can expect the kids to behave differently. Our relationships are changing, now we are dependent on social media and online profile so much that we generally try it become or imitate someone else. Easy access to internet also give access to information which can be misleading and most to the times used to spread hate, rumours and fake news.


    I sometimes feel that the technology is doing more harm to us than good if not we are using it too much or we haven't learnt how to use the technology yet. We try to live our lives in more peaceful and efficient way. Technology should be used as a tool to greater good not the source of survival. Our attention span is gradually fading, our memories are also effecting due to excessive screen usage. The technology has also changed our education system. Now we are having online classes, online school. The relationship between a teacher and students has somewhere faded away or reduced. Artificial Intelligence is just the beginning and it hard to see how we glorifying AI for the sake of Science advancement but we haven't figured out how will it be used in further. How it will effect Human Behaviour and society in general. We should be more wise and judicious how we access, use and adopt technology in our lives otherwise the coming generation will simply forget human values, righteousness and what social bonding is.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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