socialization activities and SKP practices through the E-performance Application.

in voilk •  23 days ago

    MIN 1 North Aceh Conducts Socialization and Practice of SKP Filling through the E Performance Application


    Today, Friday, December 13, 2024, MIN 1 North Aceh conducted a socialization and practice of SKP through the E Performance Application. The activity was directly accompanied by the Head of MIN 1 North Aceh, Mrs. Husna, S.Ag., M.Pd.
    The socialization of the E Performance Application for PNS and ASN teachers was carried out in the MIN 1 North Aceh Hall starting at 11.00 WIB and was attended by all PNS and ASN of MIN 1 NORTH ACEH.



    The existence of the online-based E-Performance Application will contain notes or daily tasks for all ASN. This is because ASN are required to prepare an annual SKP plan, divide the annual SKP into monthly work targets, and make daily task reports that are directly checked by superiors. thus, PNS teachers can no longer relax in planning Performance so that they get a good or very good predicate. In the socialization and practice of SKP, Mrs. Nurlia, S.Ag., M.Pd, the Supervisor of MIN 1 North Aceh, acted as an assessor and coach.



    The implementation of the e-performance application socialization activity is intended to introduce it to all Civil Servants (PNS) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).
    By implementing this socialization event, it is hoped that it can be implemented properly and correctly and become more efficient in planning performance planning in the future.

    Best Regards

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