What Are The Odds?

in voilk •  4 months ago

    What are the odds (2).jpg

    You are probably curious

    What this picture of a clothespin is in the header of this post. I get that! I mean, firstly, I never use clothespins like this myself because of the splinters but what happened yesterday was very strange.

    Picking up my daughter

    While most days, this is my boyfriend's task, yesterday I offered to pick up our daughter because he was extremely busy and I knew he'd be rushing which is not a nice way to pick her up if can be avoided. Sometimes it is what it is, of course, but I thought I'd take her with me for some shopping and get her out of the house as her tutor was still ill anyway and we didn't have a deadline to be back.

    Fabulous weather

    It always makes me smile when I drive out of the garage with my sunglasses on and feel the warm sun on my face when I open the window. It happens more and more the past days that I really feel the warmth of the sun getting stronger already and spring is definitely here now. I haven't needed my coat in days and even with my vest on top of my shirts, I'm usually too hot outside. Knowing that soon all long sleeved items can be put away in the closet for 9 months or so makes me happy!

    The usual drive

    I left on time, maybe even a few minutes earlier and two corners further, something fell on the car. I instantly saw it was a clothespin and wondered if someone from the apartment block I just drove by threw it to me or it was the wind. I know, why would someone throw it lol, but it was just a weird experience to see a clothespin land on the car. I also wondered if it damaged the it because it came down pretty hard. I had no time to stop on the side of the road because traffic to school is always pretty busy and it would end up in my arriving late. The whole drive to school I was looking at it with a huge question mark above my head wondering what the odds are that this thing lands on the car as it did.

    What are the odds (1).jpg

    Quite odd to look at

    I have to say, I had the urge to stop somewhere quickly but I decided to just check the damage (if any) while parking at school instead. When I got out of the car, I could see how it was stuck in the car exactly:

    What are the odds (3).jpg

    I have to admit that I was relieved finding it this way because it landed there perfectly, staying in place without causing any damage whatsoever. Great! I didn't see the need to keep it and removed it, of course after I took the pictures because it's a weird thing to happen. Thankfully this was much better than something sharp landing on the car because at least this didn't leave any marks and our second year insurance (which just started days before this happened) didn't start with any damage on the car.

    Insurance charges

    After they charged us an extra 25% for claiming a damage (not caused by us!) in the first year, I'm hoping to get through this year without any hurdles. And if something happens, I consider not even claiming it because of their stupid overcharging. In this case, the damage was way more expensive than what they let us pay but in my previous experiences years ago, when someone else hit my car, I had no 25% overcharge the next year but it counted as a year without damage on my end if I had no accident. Apparently this is not the same everywhere, or the insurance stuff has changed over time, who knows.

    Moving countries and its challenges

    It's shit because of the difficult communication with Hungarian sites not being translated properly, we didn't find the declaration of not having an accident there in the year insured so we overpaid quite a lot the first year. The declaration wasn't valid anymore now to be applied so that sucked. We both used to have a nice declaration of 0 accidents for a discounted insurance fee but moving countries can make it a bit challenging if you don't immediately have a car in the new country.

    Oh well, the fee is just paid so another year sorted. It is what it is, right? I'm only really hoping nobody damages our car this year, thankfully, it's in the garage at night, which is a bit safer than outside.

    Your experiences

    I'm curious to read what's the procedure in your country if there's a claim, not by you but caused by someone else. Is your fee going up this much as well? Feel free to share this in the comment section, it's nice to learn a bit about the topic if this is considered normal (nowadays) or maybe depending on the insurance even..

    Remember it's almost Friday! Just a little longer before the weekend :)

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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