Happy New Year everyone! It's been awhile for not visiting here but I see to it that I'll be able to post our little adventure with my family. We went to church first to give thanks to the Almighty for the past year of our lives in which we were blessed beyond our expectations. This new year is filled with hopes and dreams once again.
After the evening mass, we went to Ayala Mall to dine in @AyalaRibshacks. It's one of our favourite dining places because the meat is super tender.
We ordered pork barbecue stick, adobo, boneless milk fish and I ordered back ribs for myself. I ordered lemon with cucumber for our beverage.
For finishing, we proceeded to Café Bobs before going home.
I used to visit this place when my 2 girls were still in college.
There's a long list of coffee blends you can choose from.
The cakes on display were all mouth watering!
My granddaughter preferred the cold coffee latte and chocolate cake.
I ordered Cappuccino and my favourite carrot cake with nuts.
They said that this coffee has four blends of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans plus 2 secret ingredients.:)
The other side were filled with delicacies and take outs too.
The first floor were already full so we went to the second floor which was also full so we chose the lounge. The smell of coffee was intoxicating!
At the end of the day, a cup of coffee makes my day!
Thank you for dropping by my page!
Till then,