Monomad Challenge - This golden retriever dog knew how to pose

in voilk •  6 months ago
    It is a pleasure for me to greet all my friends in the Black And White community, I hope everyone has a good day!

    I want to share a couple of photographs that I took of a golden retriever dog. What surprised me most about these photos is that this dog practically knew how to pose.

    While all the dogs were very restless and moved a lot, this golden one was still the entire time and it even seemed like he was making poses so I could take photos!!

    I will use these photos as an entry to the #monomadchallenge contest

    Para mi es un placer saludar a todos mis amigos en la comunidad de Black And White, espero que todos tengan un buen dia!

    Les quiero compartir un par de fotografias que le tomé a un perro golden retreiver. Lo que mas me sorprendieron de estas fotos es que este perro praticamente sabia como posar.

    Mientras todos los perros eran muy inquietos y se movian mucho, este golden estuvo quieto todo el rato y hasta parecia que hacia poses para que le tomara fotos!!

    Usare estas fotos como entrada al concurso #monomadchallenge




    I approached the owner and asked her if I could take a couple of photos of her dog for a photography project, she very happily said yes. I think everyone loves a good photo of their pets.

    But the icing on the cake was when the dog sat by his self and suddenly raised his paw as if he were posing!!

    Me le acerqué a la dueña y le pregunte si le podia hacer un par de fotos a su perrito para un proyecto de fotografia, ella muy feliz dijo que si. Creo que todas las personas aman una buena foto de sus mascotas.

    Pero la cereza del pastel fue cuando el perro se sentó solo y de pronto levantó la pata como si estuviera posando!!




    I was very excited and happy to have gotten the photo of the dog posing, it has been my favorite photo so far!!

    Quede muy emocionado y feliz de haber logrado la foto del perrito posando, ha sido mi foto favorita hasta ahora!!


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