Kroki/ akvarel ✍️Croci/ watercolor

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Kao što trčimo i održavamo kondiciju, tako i slikari crtaju svaki dan održavajući svoju umetničku kondiciju.
    Evo jednog akvarel-portreta uz kafu. . .

    Just as we run and keep fit, so painters draw every day maintaining their artistic fitness.
    Here is a watercolor portrait with coffee. . .


    Pre svega, umetnik mora da zna šta će da crta pa nije loše da se prvo napravi neka skica bez puno detalja...
    Zatim sa nekoliko poteza obojiti osnovne delove. . .

    First of all, the artist must know what he is going to draw, so it is not bad to first make a sketch without many details...
    Then paint the basic parts with a few strokes. . .


    Pitate se zašto sam ruke obojila crvenom? Stavite prste preko sijalice ili se zaštitite rukama od sunca, videćete da konture ruku dobiju crvenu moju. Znači da su ruke na svetlu.

    Are you wondering why I painted my hands red? Put your fingers over the light bulb or protect yourself from the sun with your hands, you will see that the contours of your hands turn red. It means that the hands are on the light.


    Naravno, slikari imaju pravo da se igraju bojama. To se zove umetnička sloboda. 😊

    Of course, painters have the right to play with colors. This is called artistic freedom. 😊


    .. .zato kosa može biti plava, roze, žuta, zelena, lice plavo, ljubičasto.. .
    Mislim da je kroki ispao interesantan! 🥰

    . . .that's why hair can be blue, pink, yellow, green, face blue, purple... .
    I think the croc turned out interesting!

    Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

    Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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