Buried treasure.. Yeah i nearly went to prison for this!

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down, and I'd like to take a minute, so just sit right there, and I'll tell you how I nearly got arrested for not declaring treasure while Mrs W was 6 months pregnant......

    Now if thats not a way to get you invested in this blog, I dont know what will!! C'mon, admit it, subconsciously you were singing the "Fresh Prince of Bel-air" theme tune in your head??

    Before I become Wales' greatest precious metals stacker(this is not up for debate, this is FACT), and before I had kids, I used to spend my spare weekends swinging my GARRETT ACE 250 metal detector anywhere and everywhere I could get permission. While ive had many "cool" finds over the years, not a single one of them can come close to the amazing story that would unfold from a small find, in the middle of a secluded field, back in the summer of 2014.

    Now, can I just say that while I still claim that ignorance is bliss, and that my intent was not criminal, not knowing the law is no excuse and that the full responsibility did fall on my shoulders, for not fully understanding the full extent of the Treasure act 1996. Whilst hindsight and a few more years under my belt has made me a lot more wiser, and since it all panned out in the end, inevitably, this has become just a nother cool story to tell the kids when they get older.....


    Lets start from the beginning.... On glorious June day, back in the summer of 2014, whilst detecting a field I hit a strong signal and began to dig. The signal was 4 to 6 inches beneath the ground. Knowing the farmer, and having known the farm for all my life, I knew that what i was about to unearth must have been laying there for a good while. What i mean by that is, because I knew the farmland was "pasture" land, used for grazing horses, and having not been worked by machines for well over 100yrs, any signl found that deep had not been worked deeper through agriculture, but simply moved down that deep through the force of gravity over a very long time.

    So what was it I found, i hear tou all thinking to yourself?? The answer sinply was a brass olive clip, like the ones used to solder copper pipes together, or so i thought.....

    Image of a 13mm brass olive fitting

    So from the image above, and comparing it to the ring, can you understand why i thought I had found some junk??

    Any how, that bit isnt the best bit and the story only gets better from here. The items i found that day, along with items from a previous dig, ended up tucked away in a plastic bag, in a draw and forgotten about for a year. It was around a year later, when Mrs W told me it was time i cleaned out some of my old junk, in preparation for our new arrival(1/2pint). That meant either binning things or selling them on a well know secondary market place.

    I decided, being the businessman I am, that if i could part with some old junk and make some money, then it was a no brainer. This is when the story really gets goin....

    Want to find out more? Come back tomorrow and ill carry on with the story.


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