Day 2 - Best Journaling Time

in voilk •  4 days ago

     " " \"izz-r-VKPLOCtxJRs-unsplash.jpg\""" Photo by Izz R on Unsplash

    Every Wednesday I post a new episode of my fiction series to my subscription platforms. My alarm goes off at around 4am so I can finish up my weekly episode and post before work.

    I've never written in my journal after a writing session. And what I learned was that my thoughts were slow to hit the page after cranking out a couple of thousand words. Maybe it was the shift in writing style or that my cups needed more joe. But it was effort today. Story posting morning is not my best time to journal.

    Do you tend to stick to the same journal writing time/day? Or can you create an entry anytime, anywhere?

    **Day 2 National Journal Posting Month ** "NaJoPoMo 24 Day 2.JPG"

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