Being A Mother

in voilk •  9 days ago

    I believe, that I have had achieved a few accomplishments down through the years, that I have lived this life of mine. From the places I have traveled to, to the person that I have become. For sure I have made some mistakes along the way and that I do in fact struggle sometimes. But I am glad with how I live my life, in the childhood I have provided for my girls. Who are now growing up and with that their needs are changing. Needs that I am working hard to meet.


    But I do not regret, being so very present for most of their childhood. Creating a life, where I could be at home with them, watching them grow up. Watching them play and explore the world around them. Being able, to be there for them, when they needed me. That I can still mostly do that. Being a mother, is the most important thing that I have done, that I will do in my life. Raising my daughters, allowing them the freedom to discover who they are, without too much interference. To be guided by their own instincts and judgement, so that they may hopefully be well equipped for this world.

    I do wish that the role of a mother, was given the praise that it deserves. I understand that times have changed for us women and with it, our roles. I don't believe in telling people what to do, but more to encourage them to follow their hearts, their desires, so that they can fulfill their potential. Which also involves helping them to lift others along the way.


    Becoming a mother, changed me, it made me more observant, more emphatic, more wise. As I strive to guide my children, they have been some of my greatest teachers. I have grown to really know myself and my abilities, as I strive to be the best version of myself. This has been my journey with motherhood. One full of love, of challenges and of tremendous growth. Doing it solo, has meant that I have pushed myself many times, sometimes to my own detriment. But that in itself, has taught me a lot.

    Being a mother and also now finally making the time to do what I need to look after myself, and discover the things in life that energize me, that help me to let go of the things that do no longer serve me. For myself and my girls, so that they can seen the importance and value of self care.

    This is my response, ( sorry if it is late) to the following question put forward by @priyanarc as part of the Wonderful Ladies Of Hive Community Contest.

    Reflecting on your personal journey, which accomplishments stand out as your proudest moments?

    All images are my own.

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