Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge: Close Range

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello splinterlands lovers and warriors, how are you doing💋? Hope you are feeling good?
    This week's battle mage secrets Challenge was delayed; probably, there was a workload that made it to delay. Though, I didn't submit my post earlier. There were times I submitted my post in a few minutes to the closing time.
    I love to always check so that when I come across the rule, in order to prepare very well. This is the reason I always check the blog to know the battle rule.
    It would have been sweetest if only the 🎈🎈close range rule was given to me. With all my patience and perseverance to get a rule like that was futile. Hence, I don't have an option other than to use the close range and other rules I fought.
    I have played a close range 🎈🎈rule in battles several times; I enjoyed playing it because I have one summoner that I used for it. The name of the summoner is General Sloan; a monster that gives additional range attack 🎈🎈to all friendly monsters.
    I have used this summoner to conquer many players when the close range🎈🎈 rule was given. I was looking for such an opportunity today to share my experience. Unfortunately, I wasn't given a battle like that.
    I just want to show how sweet the close range🎈🎈 rule is.
    A friend of mine shared a battle with a close range🎈🎈 rule; I so much love it because that was exactly the battle I was looking to share.
    One of the summoners I feared most when close range is given is ZAKU🔥🔥; even with holy Protection, level one Zaku can win a battle against level 5 of Alric Stormbringer🪄. This is because of the presence of blast ability, the addition of +1 range attack.
    Therefore, I don't like to be paired with someone that use ZAKU🔥🔥, whether level 1 or above level 1.

    ✅✅Rules of the battles✅✅
    Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
    With this ruleset, a player can use a range monster in first position in battles. Such a ranged monster will attack. This is the only rule that allows range monsters to be used in first position. Without this rule, range monsters cannot attack in the first position except if such a monster has close range ability, that is when it can attack in first position.

    Holy Protection: All monsters have the divine shield ability.
    Holy Protection♎ gives monsters divine protection that does not allow the first attack to have an impact on the health and armor of attacked monsters.

    Briar Patch: All the monsters have the thorns ability.
    When Briar Patch is activated, using melee monsters are waste of monster except such a melee monster has reflection shield 🛡️.
    This is the reason I did not use melee monsters in this battle. There was a battle I played today, it was the Briar Patch battle; my opponent had everything to win the battle because of his monsters and a summoner he used. He used level 6 of Kelya Frendul while I used level 4 of Alric Stormbringer. Because he used melee monsters, I defeated him. I knew if it wasn't because of the melee monsters he used, there was no way I would have won.
    The more his deeplurker was attacking my Mardaali Guardian, the more Swamp Spitter was repairing its armor🪖. That was how Opponent Deeplurker was eliminated by Thorns ability.
    Therefore, it is not advisable to use melee monsters when Briar Patch is given in battles.

    Mana: 42 mana cap was given which was enough for me to use my best monsters in this battle. Even Though, if I wanted to use the kraken, I would be able to use it. I knew it wouldn't be proper to use the kraken here. I have used the kraken in some of the battles like this and failed. That was the reason I used a range 🎈monster in first position.

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    Summoner: Alric Stormbringer
    Splinter: Water 💦💦
    Level: 4
    Ability: All friendly monsters have +1 magic attack
    Mana: 3
    Alric Stormbringer was the best summoner I selected for this battle.
    Strategically, when you looked at the monsters I used in this battle, four out of five attacking monsters were magic attacks. Hence, it is wise to use a summoner that could add more magic attacks than other abilities. That's what I thought before using Alric Stormbringer. That was the reason I had good magic attacks in this battle.
    The additional of +1 magic attack was only what I needed to increase the attacking prowess of my monsters. You could see that the lowest ! magic attack is two; 12 magic attacks in each round was a lot. That was the reason my opponent's monsters were not able to withstand the attack.

    ✅✅Monsters Arrangements✅✅

    Wave Brood
    Splinter: Water💦💦
    Level: 1⭐
    Speed: 1🚤
    Ability: Close Range and Taunt
    Health: 12❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
    Armor: 2🪖🪖
    Attack: Range
    Mana: 8
    Wave Brood was a bait in this battle; I knew if I used Djinn Oshannus🩵 in a first position, it wouldn't have lasted long in this battle, it would have exposed my lineup to attack.
    The only thing I could do was to use Wave Brood in the first position so that I could have the opportunity to destroy the monster in first position.
    I knew Wave Brood could not stay beyond the first round; it was a strategic plan to open the opponent lineup.
    We all know the first monster must be very strong, especially in this kind of battle that one cannot use melee monsters.

    Djinn Oshannus
    Splinter: Water 💦💦
    Level: 2⭐⭐
    Speed: 5🚤🚤🚤 🚤🚤
    Ability: Void and Phase
    Health: 11❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
    Armor: 2🪖🪖
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 8
    This is the monster I was relying on in the front position but I don't want it to be eliminated in the battle; that was the reason I used Wave Brood. I preferred to lose to Wave Brood than to Djinn Oshannus🩵.
    I was aware that Djinn Oshannus🩵 would lead the battle.
    Djinn Oshannus’ 🩵phase ability triggered me to use it. With the phase ability, there was a possibility that any monster could miss Djinn Oshannus🩵while attacking; except monsters with true strike ability. Monsters with true strike ability don't miss any target because of their ability.
    The void gave me confidence that it would be very difficult for magic monsters to eliminate. I knew my opponent would come with range monsters and that was the reason I used project.

    Nerissa Tridawn
    Splinter: Water 💦💦
    Level: 2⭐⭐
    Speed: 2🚤🚤
    Ability: None
    Health: 10❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
    Armor: 2🪖🪖
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 9
    Only a monster with void ability could reduce the damage of Nerissa Tridawn. Apart from such monsters, Nerissa Tridawn can destroy any monster.
    Well! Battles require planning; I also thought that if Djinn Oshannus is eliminated, which monster could stay longer in the front line?
    Nerissa was the next monster because of her longevity. That was the reason I placed Nerissa Tridawn in third position in case Djinn Oshannus🩵 is eliminated.
    It happened the way I planned it; Djinn Oshannus 🩵 was eliminated in the fourth round of the battle; Nerissa Tridawn took up the mantle of leadership, led like Joshua. If I had made a mistake by placing Venari Wavesmith or any other monsters in the lineup in third position; there would be no way I would have won the battle.

    Merdaali Guardian
    Splinter: Water
    Level: 2⭐⭐
    Speed: 3🚤🚤🚤
    Ability: Tank heal ♦️♦️
    Health: 3❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
    Armor: 2🪖🪖
    Attack: None
    Mana 3

    Merdaali Guardian was to heal any monster in first position. I knew the battle would be tough, that was the reason I selected a tank heal monster to keep healing the health of monsters in the first position.
    Thank God! My opponent did not use a monster with affliction or poison.
    Merdaali Guardian was restoring a certain number of health every round that made it easier for those monsters to stay long.
    With such a heft attack from my opponent, all my monsters wouldn't have reached the end without Merdaali Guardian.

    Venari Wavesmith
    Splinter: Water 💦💦
    Level: 4⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Speed: 3🚤🚤 🚤
    Ability: Protect
    Health: 5❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
    Armor: 2🪖🪖
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 5
    There are two major important components in Venari Wavesmith are ‘protect’ and magic attack. It was very glaring that my opponent would use range 🎈monster; then, the best way for me to protect his monsters to attack my monsters was to use ‘protect’.
    The first attack removed the holy Protection, second attack damaged the armor and third attack damaged the health. Without Venari Wavesmith, the second attack would have damaged the health. This protect ability was a useful weapon against range attack in this battle.

    Doctor Blight
    Splinter: Neutral
    Level: 2⭐⭐
    Speed: 1🚤
    Ability: Poison, Affliction and Camouflage
    Health: 4❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
    Armor: 2🪖🪖
    Attack: Magic
    Mana: 4
    Small but mighty!
    Without the presence of Doctor Blight, my lineup would have been futile. As the Swamp Spitter was repairing the armor of the monster in first position, also the Merdaali Guardian would have continued to heal the health ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 of Opponent's monsters. Doctor Blight's presence made the Merdaali Guardian ability to be null. Doctor Blight kept on poisoning and afflicting Opponent's monsters; that was the reason they could not be healed.
    I didn't select Doctor Blight because of his magic attack; I selected him because of poison and affliction abilities.

    🔥🔥Round 1🔥🔥
    Looking at the lineup of the opponent paired with me, it was clear that the had an edge over me. The moment I saw Djinn Oshannus🩵 with forcefield, I said ‘it is finished’. I knew how strong is level 3 of Djinn Oshannus🩵.
    All my hope was on Doctor Blight; it was the only monster that could damage that setting.
    It was Doctor Blight that gave me hope in this battle; if Doctor Blight failed to afflict and poison Djinn Oshannus in the first round, the battle would have been very difficult; eventually losing the battle to my opponent.
    Another surprise was Wave Brood; my thought was the Wave Brood would not reach the second round due to massive attacks from the opponent's monsters.
    Fortunately, it reached the second round with the help of Merdaali Guardian.
    Poseidon, 4 range attack with a blast ability; Swamp Spitter, 3 range attack with repair made me fear the most.

    Round 2 and 3
    Wave Brood eliminated in round 2.
    Joy overflowed in my heart when Djinn Oshannus🩵 was eliminated in round 3; that was the moment I knew I had hope. Djinn Oshannus🩵 was the strongest monster in his lineup; that was the reason I was happy.
    You know if the strongest man is defeated, the rest would not give you a problem. It was very easy to eliminate the rest.
    The moment Djinn Oshannus🩵 was eliminated, Sea Genie was eliminated also. That is, two monsters were eliminated in the third round.

    Round 4
    In round 4, Centaur led the opponent's lineup. We all know that Centaur is a range🎈 monster, if it was a battle without close range rule, Centaur wouldn't have attacked.
    Due to close range ability, Centaur attacked.
    My Djinn Oshannus🩵 was finally eliminated; Nerissa Tridawn led the lineup. By the end of round four, Centaur was eliminated; Poseidon led the attack and was afflicted and poisoned by Doctor Blight. Hence, Merdaali Guardian could no longer heal her.

    Round 5 and 6
    Poseidon🔥 was one of the monsters left in the battle with the highest speed. Poseidon and Swamp Spitter attacked Nerissa Tridawn, damaging her health ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹to 3.
    By the end of round 5, Poseidon was eliminated.
    In round 6, Merdaali Guardian was eliminated.

    Round 7
    This was the final round. It was only Swamp Spitter that was left in this round, and Was eliminated.

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    The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
    Thank you for reading my post.
    Watch out for the next battle challenge.

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