Leo Premium And The Flywheel Effect

in voilk •  5 months ago

    We have talked a great deal about the Flywheel Effect. This is something that @khaleelkazi discussed. At the same time, we covered the activity taking place is an enormous feeder into this system.

    In fact, it is now possible to "buy" LEO through one's activity. Referencing the Leo Formula we see:

    Page views = ad revenue = purchasing of LEO

    Hence, the key is simply to increase page views through collective activity and we end up seeing more LEO bought out of the ad revenue contract.

    It is a simple, yet powerful, system.

    Instigating The Flywheel

    Here is where it gets cumbersome.

    To go immediately to a Flywheel is very difficult. Instead, we have to look at a more fundamental level to see how the process starts.

    Ultimately, the key to success with digital platforms is not the number of users. Certainly, that is a major component. However, it is not the first step.

    Instead, what is required is utility. This is something that is often overlooked but not by the successful platforms. They are well aware of how this operates.

    The digital backbone is vital for a platform. Those who excel in this area are the ones who are able to kick off the network effects. Again, this is not the common concept that most have.

    Typically, people believe that getting more users enhances the experience of others, and grows the platform because "all my friends are there". This is social media and only one piece of the equation.

    What about Google search? It matters none who in your family uses it. The same is true for Uber. Yet both of these have very powerful networkeichner effects.

    Here is where we go back to utility. This is what kicks off the Flywheel.

    For Leo, we can clearly see how this is. Leo Premium appears to be the mechanism through which the utility will be funneled. It appears to be the primary driver of the expanding value.


    We are seeing some excitement over the preliminary introduction of the dashboard. This is just on example of what is taking place.

    Why is the dashboard so powerful?

    Simply, it is the most comprehensive analytics tool we are seeing within the ecosystem. This uses HAFSQL, which allows for the pulling of massive amounts of data from the blockchain, without accessing it. It is all done through the HAF servers.

    Providing users with comprehensive data is crucial. What do you think will happen if Leo offers the most in depth data pertaining to one's account(s)? Even non-users of Leo could access that feature.

    What is the first part of the Leo Formula? Page views.

    How many times a day will each individual use the dashboard as a reference center? What we are talking about is a culmination of activities, spread over the userbase.

    In other words, even without a single additional person, each user, on average is going to generate more clicks by visiting their dashboard.

    This is the how it all starts.

    Remember, platforms excel at capturing even insignificant amounts of value creation and spreading it across the entire userbase.

    Dashboard is one example.

    22% APR On HP Delegation

    This is another way that utility is being built, albeit on a more financial level.

    On the surface, this simply looks like a monetary decision. However, if we delve into the psychology of it, we see something completely different.

    One of the biggest factors going forward is going to be loyalty and dedication. This is where fostering an attitude of ownership is vital.

    How many times have we covered the idea of approach Leo like a platform owner, not a user. The new addition to the delegation program helps in this area.

    While it is possible for someone to delegate the HP without being a user of the platform, it is not going to be the norm. We can already see, based upon Leo Premium membership, those are the active members. There is no reason to believe HP delegation is going to be any different.

    In other words, people will likely be motivated to be more active as they have "more skin in the game". This is what fosters the ownership mentality.

    Of course, we, once again, revert back to the first part of the formula: page views.

    See how it is all tied together.

    Here are just two examples of how utility is being built into Leo. Music on Leo is another project that we are working on.

    Whatever the source, the goal is to provide users with more options. As stated in the past, the epitome of this is Amazon. They cast an enormous net because of all the utility they offer.

    Leo needs to think along these same lines.

    What Is Hive

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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