Sunny Hot Day Sudden Turmoil

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Earliest Memory When News Affected Me As A Child

    Sunday 24th January, 1965, it was a normal day after returning from church, eating the Sunday roast around the family table, dishes done Dad went into his garden to start watering the gardens fruit trees and vegetables.

    News came through on the old valve radio we had in the corner connected to BBC, Mom called called me to get Dad as he needed to hear Winston Churchill had passed away.


    Being the ten year old that said everything as told, I blurted the news running down the side of the home, Dad you better come in Mom says 'Winston Churchill has died'. Well no thought in words being transmitted tactfully, it was as if my father had been paralyzed, tears running down his face.

    Slowly he turned back indoors after placing the hosepipe down and switching the tap off, it was news that youngsters never fully understood. Over the years I learned my father was saddened by the fact Jan Smuts who interacted exceptionally well with Winston Churchill, had never been one voted into politics, he may have turned the country onto a path my Dad really hoped could have happen.

    30th January 1965 the live broadcast of the funeral was heard through valve radio, Dad and his best friend who had been through the war years together, listened. Strict instruction was relegation to the garden to continue with duties set aside. When you come to realize a man who had affected many, even Queen Elizabeth II broke protocol on the day, I only learned years later.

    Perhaps in my teen years this is the reason I read many books about wars trying to make head or tail of what actually happens in our world. Jan Smuts an interesting person once you realize how intertwined our world is.

    Sobering thought; how many wars, too many lives, how many lead their people to the end, then continue life where needed?

    We cannot treat history simply as a good book, but people who valued life and put the values of people under their command first, it showed in the tears of my father hearing great loss he felt that harrowing day.

    My answer to @ericvancewalton question - What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?


    Thought for Today: "Old men and women in the village are books of history and wisdom." - African Proverbs




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